
I know!, it is the most ridiculous thing I ever heard!. when someone talks to a hallucination, theyre basically talking to them self because its a figment of their mind. What Stein is basically saying is "how dare you talk to yourself about the plans we have been doing!". That entire scene also made Sara look like a

I dunno, I can't really blame him for that. That's part of the character. He thought he was going to win even in Arrow last season, and when it was clear that he couldn't save his wife or his ugly daughter. He said "screw it, ill kill everyone!" and still acted like he was winning!…when you look at it..Damian Dhark

for only three months right?…they indicated that her job at Jitters was her first job as a Barista!.

You would think that a genius like stein has heard of something called "Self Fulfilling prophecy". Where if someone is told they're a idiot or a "thug" enough times, even if theyre trying their best to change. People can only take so much until they throw up their hands and say "fuck it!, you think I'm a thug, I may

Still, the way the team turned on him so fast, especially stein!..I wanted him to hit stein in the face soo badly!.

Agreed, Claire's dialogue with Danny (especially in that plane scene) was atrocious "just feel it out!, tell us how you are feeling!"..I half expected her to say "just breath deep breaths and when you feel a kick, start to push!". ..the scene that really, well and truly almost killed me..was the ice cream scene!!.

Apparently they thought a show about boardroom meetings is riveting television..they were wrong.

What they should have done was they should have ended the season with the reveal that the entire season was in Danny's head and that he is actually not Danny!. He is actually just the drunken master on Drugs, and that the real Danny Rand is actually the guy whom we thought was the drunken master!..boom!..second season

I'm not a BIG fan of musicals, but for me that is usually because musicals feature characters I have no interest or investment in, singing. However when it comes to a musical episode of television, I get really excited!, because they are genuinely creative and its a bit of irony, they are creating a musical that is

I will never be able to forgive that ridiculous scene!. It was so bad that I memorized the names of the writers of said episode so that I can avoid any future episode like the plague (or at least it will be a fair warning that we are going to be in for a crappy hour of television!).

By steeling the script of the supernatural episode "what is and what should never be" where Dean is thrown into a alternate reality where his mother never died. and calling it FLASHPOINT!. thats how!.instead of making their own version! (its not hard!, have Olivers father as the green arrow in place of batman,

"you have to understand Kara!, I was given a shitty script!, don't blame me please!. I still wanted to continue sleeping with her!..man that was depressing.. can we break into song now!".

I was thinking that too!, is it me or does she just get prettier in every episode?..because dam!..by the time I got to episode 11..lets just say my nose started bleeding!.

Its mainly because the actor is really good and can pull off being sympathetic even if his character is a dick and deserves everything he gets, Unlike somebody!!..(looks over at Finn Jones, but instead of looking at me he hides under the desk and eats animal crackers off a bra,while singing "I don't want to miss a

We then see him traveling on said flight. Spend half a episode on the plane freaking out about the plane (with the most hillariously bad dialogue I have ever heard! "my brain knows all this, but my heart is doing the driving"). Get to China (or maybe its Chinatown?..because this place looked like the same set pieces

That's most likely where Iron Fists budget went and why images of Kun Lun are just nothing but a bunch of actors cosplaying in the snow.

The true mystery of the series is whether the stilted Janky characterization of Iron Fist is the fault of Finn Jones. Or whether that is just a janky character model of the actor that is created by Bioware?. Because I can't tell the difference between his performance and the "my face is tired" woman in Mass Effect:

Joy and Coleen were guys?!!..Suddenly everything makes so much more sense!.

I dunno how to explain it, I will try. I agree with the reviewer that I think season 1, the show was a different show. This season almost feels like a reboot and Winn just feels different. He has more of a confidence to him, seems less creepy and just overall, different from season 1. Or maybe its because Winns

Not even close!, I would rather watch a ten-year-old than a man behaving like one!..(some adults could pull it off, hell I would rather have Ellie Kemper be iron first than Finn Jones!!). Buffy tried this with a 14 year old to play Buffys sister (she was written as a angry 11 year old)..the results..werent good.