
I think the intention of the episode was so that you saw Winn as a sweet and innocent person whom sees the best in people. From the comments, it appears the opposite is perceived, that everyone is seeing him as a guy who just discovered sex (or finally found someone to have sex with) and is using her to go nuts. I was

It makes sense in this context, to have Mon-El make a stand against his parents be solely because of his love for Kara, but because he is now genuinely a better person. Yes because of her influence. But that moment was strong because his decision was his own, he no longer wants to do it because that is what Kara would

From the promo of the next episode. it looks like you may be right. It HEAVILY implies that they patch up their relationship during the crossover.

The Winn/Lyra relationship is quite interesting. I like how this went, now, hopefully we will see the "real Lyra" now that we know that her personality for most of their relationship was a con. That actually puts her sudden change in personality, when she first met him (from not being interested in him to suddenly

Ain't that the truth, even for a cheesy show, there were some episodes in Xena where Lucy Lawless and Renee O'Connor went beyond the material (the show had some amazing dramatic episodes). same can't be said for Sorbo and Hercules, once you have seen one episode, you have seen them all: goes to a village, helps

Couldn't we have at least got more than a couple episodes of them being happy together!!..maybe half a season at least!! (they were soo cute at the beginning of the episode!!). What is it with them breaking up couples just because of drama!!.I would say "look at Maggie and Alex!!, they're a happy couple!!" but I read

In the first few seasons it was fun and the ripper arc also made it really interesting. The show wanted us to see him as a tragedy, and it worked for a time, until they kept flipping him. I'm so glad I didn't watch season 7 and eight (apart from the finale) word is he is practically insufferable in those seasons.

Give it a couple of years and people are going to start saying the name Barry Allen in the same vein of Team America MattDamon!…actually..more like six months!.

He probably caused the cancellation of Hannibal too!..Goddammit Barry!!.

They could almost form a terrible justice league!: Laurel, Mr Terrible (Curtis, though he is getting better) and James. They run in to battle and all die immediately!..mwhahaha!.

Exactly!. The breakup scene infuriated me to no end. But the scene with his parents was very well written and had me cheering for him. It caught me by surprise too!, I was expecting him to do as they told him. I rolled my eyes at first because I thought he was going to turn back into a evil dick because he is no

Actually it was the bodyguard I wanted to see bludgeoned to death with a lead pipe. How could Mon El ever have hoped to try to be a good person if he has everyone convincing him otherwise. Mon El at least appeared like he felt terrible about it and there was a instance where it looked like he was about to turn around

I'm very conflicted about it myself. It looked like she was about to forgive him and it seemed like they purposefully did that to trick us (which is cold!) then she reverts back to her (2 minutes ago!) personality, that really annoyed me!. On the other hand, it gives much more weight to Mon-Els stand against his

That would be my guess..except Big was fun.

It fits..he was the original Christian Grey after all! (Edward Grey).

More like…Dawson Rand is…..Crying Fist!.

Dammit!..whenever I try to think of Danny's name..I keep saying "Denny Crane"…whoah!..imagining Denny Crane as iron fist is a far better show!.

I don't really care much about the race thing either. What I do care though is that, the guy they had as runner up to play Iron Fist (whom happened to be half asian) would have made a far better Danny…Rand..than Finn Jones (he played the drunken master in episode eight)…heck..I would have rather had William Shatner as

That entire board room scene was so ridiculous.I half expected him to order the board to get the fast food restaurants to cook road kill in their burgers "it cleans up the streets!, its cheep and it happens all the time, there are plenty of possums and wild animals that get run over each year!, lets harness their chi

LMAO!..and so the mystic city is what..his delusion?..watched too much Kungfu as a child?.