
totally!, I was explaining the plot to a friend of mine and I started with "its about this guy whom disappeared after his plane crashed" and he said "did he then get trapped in a cave and built a mech suit" and I said "I wish!" and I said "he gets trained in a Buddhist monastery and then goes back home" and "he goes

Bruce Wayne: businessman=alter ego=batman. Specialty=theatricality and deception.
Tony Stark: Businessman= alter ego= batman. speciality = advanced weaponry.
Matt Murdock: Lawyer=alter ego=Daredevil. Speciality = theatricality and deception (on a lower budget, while pretending to be a 21st century Ray Charles).

If they did..they could have at least had a 10 year old Meachum whom has a entire floor to himself (like Trumps youngest son)..that would have been so much fun!.

So Danny Rand basically acts like a child, is petulant, has tantrums …has no respect (only when it suits him) and is played by a actor that many are saying, has questionable acting skills…where have I heard that before…Dawson Leary!?….Danny's creek!..or Dawson's Fist, take your pick.

Wow, Netflix really didn't believe in this show did they!. I almost heard rumors that the show almost got cancelled, they must have gave the Punisher the rest of the budget and left this show with chump change.

The ice cream scene especially, had me in fits.

Supergirl is pretty good this season (if you ignore the ENTIRE guardian storyline). Its problems are mainly, overcrowding, they have two seasons worth of storylines in 1 season. 100% Agree with Laurel on Arrow, she should have stayed behind a desk..I liked her way more when she was just a Lawyer. Flash jumped the

Me too!, I feel sick…that guy would have been a amazing Iron Fist!…his smile alone!..he would have been able to sell Danny's innocence and naivity in a way that Justin Timberla..er..Fin Jones..never could!.

Other than the fight in the filing room (seriously!, 64 cuts in a 35 second fight!) I found them mildly entertaining. My only problem was that the ones at night were way too dark. Couldn't see anything. The fight in episode six was good though.

Fair warning that it does start slow, its worth starting from the beginning but the first season is quite messy. Joss Wheadon originally intended it to be a film, but the directors of said film, turned it into the very thing he didn't want, a stupid B movie.So being a tv series based off a flop was always a hard sell,

It's worth a look. Buffy has character depth and storylines that blow the flash out of the water (not to mention, that it was the show that practically wrote the book on character arcs, the big bad and dramatic arcs that have real stakes). Sure its got a cheesy name but that was intentional, Joss whedon wanted the

Absolutely!, and I would argue that it did!, the Man in Black twist was extremely clever and really well done (unlike the Westworld Man in Black twist which used way too blatant foreshadowing, the LOST version was very clever in what it showed and what it kept secret). Its unfortunate consequence is is how it

So his father is not only a dangerous driver, he is driving illegally?!.WTF!..seriously, he would be driving without a seat belt. Or suppose for a moment that he is driving with a seat belt strapped around him and Danny, if they had a accident, the impact would probably suffocate him, or break his ribcage (with his

Absolutely, but the fantastic masterstroke of all of this is how Michael's concept of Hell eventually unintentionally helped each character to face their greatest fear and challenged them to grow as people, in ways that they never did or could in life. Sure you can argue that Eleanor was the only character that truly

I agree with you there 100%. Over the years we have seen so many LOST imitators, but most of the knock offs have failed to replicate that shows true genius (with ONLY one show at the moment that is replicating it, I will get to that in a moment). They kept thinking it was the mystery that people kept coming to. The

To varying degrees of success. As you said, season 1 was pretty good at this. Because as you said, it was contained to 2 - 3 locations. But around 2nd, 3rd season it started to lose the plot. By the time you get to season 4 and 5 (5 especially was bad at this) it becomes a incoherent mess.

I was thinking that too!, there is a whole lot of stuff that makes NO sense. For example, he's been away for 15 years. Left when he was 10 years old…YET HE KNOWS HOW TO DRIVE!!!…are we to just assume that he got his drivers licence in Kun Lun!!. Yes it would make sense that he would have some skill in driving…if he

I remember reading that there was a lot of internal conflicts on how to handle the character. It got to the point where there were rumours of the series being cancelled, my guess is, someone (possibly Scott Buck, with a suit backing him up) made a case to the execs that they could do it. I'm hoping after the reception

LMAO!, that's a good one!. The worst part, she was only a barista for, about 2 months!.

No way!, I agree the flashbacks in season 3 and 4 were terrible. But the flashbacks in seasons 1 and 2 were really good! and actually meant something. Slade as the villain in season 2 wouldn't have had any impact if it wasn't for that we had more than a season of flashbacks on Lian Yu that built him up as a character.