
true that may be stretching it. I would rather watch another Iron Fist episode anyday than watch a episode of Gotham. I saw some of season 3, I hoped it would get better..but their amazing plots?…aging poison Ivy from a little girl and transforming her into a big breasted woman..(but technically, she is still a girl,

I agree there. David Wenham is amazing. I have always been a fan of his since his role of Faramair in Lord of the Rings. Pelphrey/Ward is a okay character, but his plot is terrible..the entire series is just about him throwing around the "idiot ball" (a term used when a character is restrained by the story to behave

The worst part is how they shy away from all the ridiculous parts of the concept. Its like a bunch of writers threw comics on the table, picked out some of the basic plot and then threw them away. I did read that there were rumors that they had trouble trying to nail down the tone, were afraid of how mystical you

I actually really liked the second half of Luke Cage and I really liked Diamondback (he was hammy and fun, I do wish they (writers) didn't kill Cottonmouth though). Well the scenes with Harold have character, they have flavor to them, charm. Like Cottonmouths club. His apartment had a certain flare that the rest of

and everyone thought the first 3 episodes of Sense8 were bad! (structure, plotting, confusing characterization). This show took it to a whole new level. I'm convinced the first 4, possibly 5 episodes could have been 1 episode. Maybe 1 and a half at best.

I was referring to the Diamondback scene (forgive me if that isn't exactly what he did).

I was so happy they did that because, once they killed Cottonmouth in Luke Cage, the show went down hill fast (kills a random police officer "i'm luke cage!").

That's what I was thinking!. It doesn't help that Joy and Ward's plot goes back to rehashing the same scene again. It goes from "that's Danny, no it isn't". In the first two episodes to "I think your on something, no I'm not!, yes you are, no i'm not!, yes you are!, no I'm not!" for another four episodes.

I will agree that the writing has had me in stitches at times. There are some hilarious, meme inducing lines. My favourite is one in episode eight from Danny "my head knows the facts but right now, my heart is doing the driving!" "I can't breath!…yes you can..just feel like you can't!".

Yeah, I personally had no problem with the M&M scene. I mean one memory I have of my childhood is playing the game "Guess Who?" with my cousin. So if he disappeared when he was 10 and reappeared and I said "what the hell!" and he sent me the guess who game. I would have believed him too!. Either way its what you know.

I'm on episode eight and I will say he is growing on me. For the first four episodes I hated him, but to be fair that is less of a fault with the actor and more to do with the writing. There is only so much someone can do when they are told to redo the same scene twenty times "that isn't Danny Rand!, its not!, get out

after watching the first 7 episodes…my answer would be.hmmm..both!…It flips between the two on the fly, the first 5 episodes are VERY corporate and not in a good way…doesn't help that the first two episodes have a idiot plot. but it does get better. the first two episodes are the worst. If it helps its a uphill climb

and It makes her reaction to Danny beating one of her students to the floor in the next episode utterly ridiculous, shes basically saying "only i'm allowed to beat up my students! but not in this room, because its a safe place and it will effect their morale!!".

While I do agree with the Jessica Jones comment (I thought it was the best of the Netflix/Marvel shows so far). Luke Cage and Daredevil used the Barbershop and the courtroom to establish character. You learned about the culture of Harlem, they had random conversations, joked around. There were about 3 episodes in the

The felicity comment is debatable, its more of a writing error than acting mistake. I am in agreement with Katie Cassidy and the guy whom plays Roy (but both of those actors are not in the show anymore). I would take Stephen Amell over Fin Jones anyday, and he has grown quite a lot in the role. I did say "almost" the

"My name is Danny Rand, after fifteen years of being stranded in heaven and training in a Buddhist monastery, with only one goal: survive. Now I have come back to take back what is rightfully mine, my company and my name!.But to do that I have to convince them that i'm not someone else, or something else..I

Apart from the actress whom plays Coleen, almost the entire cast of Arrow is way better than the Iron Fist cast.

I really thought that too. I just picture him as Goku from Dragonball. It makes it better that way.

Somewhat disagree with the Supergirl comment, overall I'm enjoying Supergirl quite a bit this season. This season is way better than the flash. I would say its almost as good as Legends but that show is really stepping up its game in a big way.

That very same landslide has fallen on the flash this season…its tapped out of the ring.