
LMAO!..that's right!..they used a different actress from the sarah in the first season. I thought that was hillarious. but I had to hand it to them for atleast redoing that scene with the recast Sarah.

"What if season 1 of Iron Fist is worse than Gotham and the first 15 episodes of Agents of SHIELD?".

Is made even worse when you have ONE scene of him trying to convince Hogarth and succeeds by telling her stuff only he would have known. Actually.. here is how the office scene in the first episode should have went down.
"its me Danny!!, Joy you have to believe me!"
Joy "I don't believe you, get away!"

But, seriously, the first two episodes of the show are so bad that your better off watching the Pilot to Kungfu and saying that is Kun Lun and the little boy in the background is Danny!.

Or more times than we saw Oliver and Sarah get swept out of the queens gambit in one season! (and it was a lot!).

I got to hand it to them, the flashbacks of Kun Lun make the Arrow flashbacks of Lian Yu look like a masterpiece in comparison.

Ugh!! the dialogue. Sometimes its fine. Then you get gems like this one. Danny: "if it helps, half the time I don't know what I'm doing or saying until I get in trouble". Or this one: Colleen "you wear a cloak of bravado, I do it too. You don't need to wear it around me". Translation "you don't need to wear clothes

well..he was trained by warrior monks afterall..having rage issues doesn't make you a bad person..its what you do with that rage that does.

The problem with Danny is that, you start to realize that their characterization of him isn't based on the Iron Fist comic..but that the writers must be fans of anime..heroic protagonist, heart of gold, dumb as a post. Take your pick: Goku, Naruto, Luffy. It may have worked if they had him pull a Unbreakable Kimmy

Okay wise guy!, sure, Iron Fist the comic predates Dragonball by 10-20 years. But the show doesn't!. The characterization of Danny and everyone else is totally differen't from that of the comics, He didn't behave like a goofy anime character in the comics.

I would have argued and said that, that would just throw the show into self-parody, but we are already at the point where the show is almost about to be consumed by the metaphorical Shark. Anything to get it out of this funk. At this point, I would settle for something ridiculous such as the reveal that Randolf Morgan

I thought they were kinda cute together..in a brother/sister kinda way lol! (sorry, I couldn't help myself!). All jokes aside, I didn't mind Barry/Iris at first, I also didn't mind Oliver and Felicity at first either. But apparently the writers haven't seen Friday Night Lights and are under the false notion that a

I'm also a DC Arrowverse fan (I don't take sides, I like shows from both sides) so, for fun I'll throw in a Arrow equivalent: "what if Arrow's first three episodes were about Oliver telling the fisherman in excruciating detail what he did in Lian Yu?".

True, good point. So I take it you haven't seen the Buffy musical episode then?

I didn't see your comment there..well better late then never!. Well the first 9 episodes were sort of pretty good. I could never watch them again because of all the red flags that set up the terrible plots. Episode 1 sets up the death plot. Episode 7 I think?..sets up the William plot (the biggest soap opera plot they

Well if you put it that way, yeah that is pretty bad writing. The episode was written by Brooke Roberts & Judalina Neira. I'm going to take note next time we get another terrible episode, they may have wrote it. They wrote episode 12 (the one where he trained Wally, not a terrible episode, but not great either).

how about we at least give the episode a shot before judging it. People said that about Buffy too and its musical episode brought the plot to a head in a HUGE way. Once the episode has aired, and if it sucks, then you can say "I told you so".

these days, even Oliver…Oliver!!.of all people!..is more optimistic and less moody than Barry.

Only a show as mad as the flash can Jump the Shark when the shark isn't literally in the episode.

Jesse Quick has the best logic I have ever seen! "don't you realize on my earth (earth 2) I'm the flash!". and at the end of the episode.."I'm going to earth 3 to protect it because there is no longer a flash to protect it"..but what about earth 2!!..she now has left her planet without a flash!.