
The Flash is no longer the hero, central city deserves..nor needs.

On paper this show is basically every other superhero origin story, take your pick..Batman, Iron man, Arrow. But the character of Danny Rand. …..hmm where have I heard this before.. Kid left in the wilderness to fend for himself, knows martial arts but is dumb as a post..goes to the city, knows nothing…this is a live

The next episode wasn't any better either
"no, your not"
"yes I am"
"maybe he is"
"maybe he isn't"
"maybe he is!"
"maybe he isn't!!"
Product placement: M&M,s save the day
"its Danny!, he seperated the brown ones from the rest!, we did that as kids!"
"that proves nothing!"
"yes it does"
"no it doesn't"
"yes it does!!"
"well, okay

He wrote some pretty good episodes of Dexter….and some REALLY bad ones, he has the unfortunate honour to have been one of the writers whom wrote the series finale (which is considered one of the worst series finales…of all time)…Yeah I don't like Ward much either, doesn't help much that he looks like a older Chuck

I agree, the first episode was nothing but variations of the same scene "that isn't danny get out of here!" repeated for a entire episode. Episode 4 is pretty awesome and i'm really enjoying episode 5 so far (but I really hope someone punches Ward in the face soon or ill fly to america and do it myself!).

I would sit through a season of Iron Fist anyday rather than have to watch Daredevil the movie again.

100% agree. Whether it was terrible or not, I knew going into it, that I was going to watch all of Iron Fist too. What did you mean on your scale again btw? because I'm sure you meant something else than from Daredevil to Daredevil, that doesn't make any sense…unless you meant from Daredevil the tvshow (being

I can appreciate a slow dance. This on the other hand is like watching someone slow dance in slow motion!.

I agree, there is too much of the same scene. I mean how many times do we really have to have another variation of the opening scene (you are not Danny Rand!, now get out!). It feels like i'm watching a episode of Naruto where they show you everything in excrutiating detail to fill up a episode (character A learns

For all of its flaws (and believe me, I know Arrow has a lot of flaws),I would say that at least, Arrow was really good at establishing tone. Sure it started as very Batman Begin-ish, but even then, it had a mood that was unique. Iron Fist feels even more confused in its first episode than the pilot of Arrow. If

You do make some very good points and yes, you would think that the police would have realized by now that the Green Arrow would never easily give himself up. As a student whom trained in Social Work (a career profession that involves working with people and (or) families in lower socio-economic areas (where their

Out of the four superhero shows this season, I don't think Arrow has had a truly terrible episode this season yet. The weakest so far was the Cupid episode, but even that was pretty good (mostly because none of the terrible villains really had much screen time).Legends have had a few weak episodic installments,

This is a interesting topic, there is no in between when it comes to his captain cold voice. People either love it or hate it. I absolutely adore it, everytime he is on screen, his line delivery just makes me smile, without fail. I'm trying to find the article, but I remember reading somewhere that his delivery was

there are rumors that she has had extensive botox injections as her facial structure is almost completely changed from the first season of Arrow to recent.

I'll take the wonky CGI of those T-spheres any day than having to sit through another episode of Mr Terrific being Mr Terrible and trying to fight and getting his butt kicked.

When Josh Segarra is on screen….Arrow is a great show.

At this point Arrow is basically a Batman show in all but name. Not that i'm complaining, but this is Arrow at its best, when it remembers its history and uses it to effect. Using Talia as a villain, because of what he did in season 3 reminds me of them taking a season and a half to show you slade wilson in

At least its not Vegemite. That about sums up the flash this season, nothing but a jar of Vegemite.

I really hope they reveal that Savitar has control over the speed force and that he manipulated Barry into isolating himself for the team because that will then make this episode really awesome in the long run, and the only way it can actually make sense.

I can see your point but I honestly liked that callback. Within the Arrowverse, Snart slowly started to become the male version of Catwoman, Constantly struggling between choosing the needs of others over himself. It was Barry who first pointed out that Snart could do better, that he doesn't need to be a thief and a