
That could possibly be the only thing that truly saves this season. I'm not going to be happy at all if its H.R that is Savitar, they really need to start doing less obvious reveals for a change.

He killed his father. That sounds like pretty convincing motivations to me.

Now this is how you do dark!. This was a fantastic episode of Arrow!. It was dark, creepy and exciting and fun aswell. Arrow usually gets criticized for being overly dark or not all that fun (yes I'm looking at you Roxy Striar), but this season, the show really found its groove in balancing the scales between optimism

100% agree. Season 3 was dead on arrival (wasn't a intended pun). Sarah dying killed the entire season. Season 4 had the potential to be brilliant, it had its best big bad since season 2 and the most of the first episode was a lighter tone (as the writers said in articles that the season would have a lighter tone).

exactly!, even Buffy at its worse never did drama for no apparent reason. Even the Very unpopular season six (which I am a big fan of btw) never did drama for the sake of DRAMA!. Buffy's actions were all motivated by five seasons of build up and even were foreshadowed in season 4. The same with all her friends as that

either way he is still a man. Jay said that Savitar is a man underneath that suit. Nothing about him becoming something other than that.

Its falling into the problem Arrow had (which ironically started in season 3). Where all they wanted to do was just throw obstacles at the characters to create drama, even if none of it makes sense. They had Oliver and Felicity get together (which I was on board with..at first, I thought they were cute). Then they

Previously on the flash: (episode 9) Barry "Who is Savitar?" Jay "Savitar was the first MAN, ever granted speed".
Precviously on the flash: (episode 16) team flash reveals to Barry that Savitar is a man "a man?".. CLIFFHANGER!..facepalms.

Personally I think Arrow has had a massive upsurge in quality this season. Its fun, clever and knows when to go dark and when to go goofy (only problem I had with the season was a Curtis problem, but they are rectifying that too). It's now close to my most favourite of the DC shows (with flash being my least

both are correct yes. In the Arrowverse continuity, Hunter Zolomon was carried off by time wraiths, thrown into the speed force and transformed into Black Flash.

Her arc reminds me a lot of Weaslys arc from Angel the series, in case you never seen it, he was a character who started on Buffy, was kinda flat and borring and then totally changed in Angel the series and went from goofy to being a bad ass. Now the specifics are much different, Sara Lance was NEVER boring (nor

I really got excited when I saw articles pop up with up with the byline "Savitar's identity". I was watching this episode in excitement, waiting for a HUGE reveal!..and what did we get?..the reveal that Savitar is a man!?..the same one that Jay Garrick mentioned when Savitar first appeared..what next, Cisco going to

It's just like them to do that, when Barry's father was released from prison, they didn't know what to do with him, so they literally put him on a bus (a very common, cliche troupe when a writer doesn't know what to do with a character..besides killing them). Then they bring back his father only to kill him and bring

LMAO! that's a good one!, at this point I would welcome anything that is off the wall and more surprising than the obvious. H.R being Savitar will just turn the show in to complete parody and 24 territory. By the time season 4 comes around it'll become a game of "oh there is a new person joining the team!, they're

..so this is a very VERY strange episode!. The more I think about it, the more mad I become. There were moments of brilliance in there. The look and feel of the speedforce was amazing. Seeing the speedforce take on the persona of Snart, Eddie and Ronnie was really good It opened in such a confident manner, I was sure

Well I don't know how they did it, but the flash has succeeded in being the worst of the Arrowverse shows this season, I'm finding this season of Arrow, to be so much more fun than the flash. Not even H.R (my favourite Wells so far) hasn't been able to save it.

I would say that is absolutely ridiculous and there is no way this show would pull something so ridiculously obvious. But considering I said that last season with Hunter Zoloman "hiding" under the guise of Jay Garrick. I also thought that was absolutely ridiculously obvious..and they would never do that (and they had

That wasn't by choice, they were forbidden from using any costumed superheroes until the last few seasons. The network was sketchy that if costumed superheroes appeared, people would stop watching (they were trying to attract the Dawson's creek crowd back then).

I kinda hope it is but I'm conflicted, I really wanted Zoom to be future Barry. The way he said "I'm the fastest man alive!" it would have been amazing foreshadowing (and made way more sense, that the death of his mother in another reality drove him insane). I'm not gonna be happy if it turns out to be H.R (but I

Kara/Jimmy was a easier one to get behind because the relationship made no sense in the first place. Yes you could argue that neither does Barry/Iris, but that is just because of the ick factor of them growing up as essentially brother and sister. From Barry's perspective, he has never seen her in that way, that's how