John Locke

I thought Deathly Hallows Part 2 did a real disservice to Dumbledore. Dumbledore had been presented throughout the books as this saintlike man who was infallible. Then Deathly Hallows shows he was a deeply flawed man who did some terrible things in his youth and realized he could never be trusted with power. He was

I completely agree. I always felt that the best chapters in Deathly Hallows were the ones Harry spends aimlessly wandering culminating with his grief-stricken visit to Godrics Hollow. It is really interesting how much of the book Harry spends utterly depressed and defeated.

Casualty numbers have nothing do with aggression. The very premise is flawed. Hamas would be much more willing to attack Israeli civilians were it not for the fact that they fear the Israeli response. I think our disagreement is unbridgeable. Asserting one's right to self-defense is the opposite of the victim card.

Firstly, it is a crime to use human shields so Hamas is responsible. The IDF is going to destroy the rocket and missile launchers that threaten Israeli citizens. I am not avoiding your question in as much as I think it proves nothing. If more Japanese died than Americans during WW2 that in itself does not make the

To compare them to fireworks is insanity. This is false moral equivalence. The number of Palestinians who die might have something to do with rockets and missile launchers being placed inside schools and hospitals by Hamas as documented by the UN which is no friend to Israel. Your standard for self-defense makes no

They do not need a navy or air force. Israel is roughly the size of New Jersey. They stockpile hundreds of missiles which are launched against Israel. Israel maintains a naval blockade which you would probably disagree with, but Hamas has proven itself quite ingenious at smuggling in weaponry. They also diverted

Hamas is the ruling body of Gaza. Any peace deal will have to be accepted by whomever rules Gaza of which there is no prospect so long as it ruled by a terrorist group. Hence, why I focus on them. Both sides have committed atrocities. All countries have. That in itself tells you nothing. However, Israel's human

In this whole commentary where have I said Palestinians deserve an awful life? For their current life, I blame the Palestinian leadership which consists of the Palestinian authority in the west bank, and Hamas in Gaza. That is the crux of the disagreement.

That makes no sense. They are a one party dictatorship that brutalized Fatah, the rival party. They were throwing members of Fatah off rooftops back in 06. In the recent conflict with Israel, they committed numerous atrocities against Palestinians whom they considered to be traitors without a shred of evidence. There

I get his view, but that's not an answer. Desmond Tutu is a respectable man but that doesn't make his view the correct one.

Oh yes, I would describe Hamas as being barbaric and a terrorist group as it is defined by the EU, the United States, and Canada. The "crony state," is not an answer and I am unsure of what you mean. Hamas' very charter calls for the genocide of Jews and attempts to legitimize the protocols of the elders of zion.

What? That's not an answer.

a wall built to stop suicide bombers. You are referring to the West Bank?

Firstly, Israeli Arab citizens enjoy the same democratic rights as Israeli Jews. More rights than Arabs in most Arab countries. If you are referring to the West Bank, most Israeli growth is in settlements that would be part of Israel in any peace deal. Most importantly, its not settlements that are the main impediment

that's nonsensical. Israel's not an apartheid country, and that's an insult to actual victims of apartheid.

Any show that had a line like, "Ringling Brothers for Brothas: Greatest Show on Earf," was pure awesomeness.

That is insanity and anti-semitic. That is just as stupid as the people who say free Gaza but ignore Hamas. They are not freedom fighters who want a state but whose stated aim is to destroy the Jewish state. Are you also ignorant of the atrocities committed by Hamas against Fatah and other Palestinians. I will quite

I was more upset that they made it seem as if House Manderly had broken faith with House Stark when Lord Manderly is heroically restoring the Starks in the books.

It is kind of similar to Paris kidnapping Helen in the Iliad.

I always got the sense she was just testing them. For all she knew Sansa was a Bolton