John Locke

Why do people hate Tom Brady more than Peyton Manning? Manning harassed a woman in college, blamed her, and never denied receiving a shipment of HGH. Who actually thinks it was for his wife?

Oil is a cornerstone of every major economy. I think the Saudi war in Yemen is shortsighted, but Yemen is a significant base for Al-Qaeda from which plots against the United States have originated. Also I'm not sure Houthi dominance of Yemen would be any better for human rights. Things are a lot more complex than Big

That's my point. I don't think it was believable that Jon became a moron. I don't think it was believable that Stannis dropped a 100 iq points when he faced Ramsay. I don't think it was believable that Roose never anticipated betrayal. I don't think it was believable that so many northern houses would support Ramsay.

He wasn't a shit leader when he took on wildlings. Even though the wildlings were destroying outlying villages the night's watch refused to be goaded. On balance this was a bad episode. Evidently Ramsay has military skills of Clausewitz and Hannibal combined. So glad he's gone. A terrible cartoon of a character. No

Has anyone read the novelization of Revenge of the Sith by Matthew Stover? I thought it was really really good, and did a fantastic job of depicting the fall of the Jedi and all of Sidious's machinations. Also much better dialogue.

I don't hate world building or atmosphere and this episode was pretty rough but the last book was awful. Martin is creating new story lines some of which are dull and useless without any means of resolving them. Blame him too.

Libya was taken off precisely because it dismantled its WMD program which is something the CIA and Bush White House legitimately deserves credit for. North Korea isn't on there merely because it baked the red army but also because it's engaged extensively in nuclear proliferation and likely aided the Syrians in

How is pointing out that Iraq was a major state sponsor of terror defending the Iraq war? North Korea and Iran are also major state sponsors of terror and I'm not advocating military conflict, merely pointing out some of the CIA successes post 9/11.

Yes, it is a danger. Libya and Iraq were two of the biggest state sponsors of terror in the world. There was little danger of Libya directly attacking the United States but instead transferring dangerous materials to proxies. Also, look up the Lockerbie bombing. If the Libyan government had stockpiles of chemical and

Are you joking or is that actually your metric for success?

Also dissolved the AQ Khan nuclear network after 9/11, played a major role in eradicating Al Qaeda's base in Afghanistan, have decimated Al Qaeda's top leadership. Yes those leaders have been replaced but Al Qaeda's "best and brightest" are dead. CIA also helped eradicate Libya's WMD program and have disrupted

It may need to be reappraised by the av club commentariat, but I'm pretty sure it was considered to be fairly critically acclaimed and well-liked, maybe outside of these quarters.

If you end the war sooner, you ultimately save more lives. They were targeting the civilian population because it's the civilian population that was manning the factories and providing the production behind the Nazi war machine. The UK were the "good guys" in ww2, simply for heroically holding off Hitler during the

Churchill couldn't have known that it would fail, attempting to bomb German industrial centers made sense given the immense difficulty of invading Germany. On your point that the Nazis bombed in retaliation is historically false. The Nazis destroyed Warsaw, then Rotterdam through terror bombing. They launched the

The Western Allies were no saints but they conducted themselves in exemplary fashion compared to the Russians, Germans, and Japanese. Churchill wasn't interested in murdering German citizens and there's no historical record to support that. He along with the United States increased the bombing of German cities in

I don't know, I kind of liked that Harry and Hermione were akin to brother and sister. There was a fondness between them that was more like siblings. And it's not as if Harry had any great intellect as compared to Ron.

He went into space to rescue Ax. Tom was killed by Rachel.

He had threatened to use planes in the 90s too. Why now? Are you aware of the Bojinka plot of the 1990s? There is no actionable intelligence. Even if Bush had pulled a Clinton and bombed the camps, it likely would have made no difference once the plot was in motion. As for your fact check reference, no where did I

It wasn't detailed, didn't detail when or how. Bill Clinton had 8 years, never armed the Predator, never armed the Northern Alliance or authorized the CIA to kill Bin Laden.

He joined them because he was an insecure young man who was bullied and disliked, despised by his muggle father and joined a group that promised to make him powerful. Why is that so hard to believe? Then he became a double agent and protected harry even though harry was a living reminder of james. That doesn't make