
I just hate how every week they`re like "you`re gonna need five boxes of Kleenex this week." It`s annoying and manipulative, because when the show airs and you find out it`s over-hyped you`re meant to feel bad for not feeling bad. It`s okay if some episode don`t make us cry. I`m starting to think Kleenex is sponsoring

I hate how he went with that line too, especially since she`s made it obvious that in some ways she wishes she had never become one.

You`re not the only one. I`ve always thought Jack had this subtle, underhanded emotional manipulation thing going on for him. I think Rebecca just got caught up in what his idea of a family and "perfect life" is, as he never had that for himself, and now she`s freaking out because she can hear the clock ticking, and

Oh my god, that kills me when we don`t see the door close! I thought I was the only one.

I was thinking making her a singer was just to add another thing to her "self-conscious, I-don`t-fit-in-with-the-world" shtick, I think the actress is trying to be herself while also being Kate, and it`s just not meshing well so it comes off as annoying. Plus, this show is essentially her first big role, so it might

Exactly. I`ve been saying for a while that they`re using his death to manipulate us into watching every week, but I can already see how fast that`s tiring out.

I didn`t like the monologue that much, but I agree that fight scene was powerful and Mandy did a good job.

I guess that`s true. Maybe I should rephrase to say that interest levels will plummet after season 3. This is the second finale that I`ve been disappointed with, so maybe I`m still harboring frustration from that other show, lol

True. I sometimes get bored when they do it for other characters.

(Re-posting since it keeps getting marked as spam for some reason.)

"Even their flaws are perfect." So much this! The show wants to be so "real" and then it goes and screws it up with purple prose. I`m not an advocate of spousal abuse, but I think it would have been interesting if he had hit her or pushed her or something. Anything to break up that "saint pedestal" everyone has him

I made the mistake of eating while watching this and almost choked over Nina and Ian`s "chemistry." Imagine how painful it must have been on set. I sheepishly admit to being a Delena shipper and was pissed that this was the outcome I received after waiting 2 years. One weak ass kiss and barely-touching hand-holding?

That`s a good theory. Kind of like how people always say loved ones look after when they pass? We like to think it`s true even if it`s not.

If we are to assume they died after a long life, it makes sense for people to think Damon and Elena would be old. Everyone else looked young because they died young.

Stefan is not an Original, so the sire line dying thing has nothing to do with him; and I think I read somewhere that the reason they were still young is because Elena was assuring Damon that he would find peace and that was her telling him what it would look like. I can`t remember her exact line, but after reading

Best summary of Stefan I`ve seen so far.

Yeah, Nina looks weird even in her real life pictures. I wonder if she lost weight? Her eyebrows are different and her face looks aged…I don`t know. Weird.

A lot of them don`t seem to have the acting range to move beyond one-note characters, and from now on, no matter where they go, this show will always be attached to their names.

His mom is British, I think. Dad is American.

Well said.