
I feel the same way. I'll admit to tearing up during a few parts, but
that was more out of obligation than any real emotion. I felt nothing.
The whole episode was edited and acted strangely, which took me out of
the moment a lot. This show helped me through high school and now my
freshman year of college, so I can

Totally agree. Although, I could sense that Nina was trying hard. Ian was so stiff and formal, you could practically feel the awkwardness. They should have ended it at Season 6 instead of attempting to milk a cow that had clearly dried up.

I just realized Damon and Elena didn`t speak to each other once during the whole episode.

Why would Stefan risk turning Damon if his whole thing was to get Damon and Elena together? As far as he knew, it would be another sixty some years before she came back, considering this was before Bonnie`s "breakthrough." Seems counterproductive.

That was a nice consolation, lol :)

I feel like that entire storyline only popped up because the actress was pregnant? What would the story have been if Candice never got pregnant? One thing that always bugged me about this show is that, as time went on, they wrote more for the actors than for the characters.

I agree with your first point. If Stefan was the romantic interest, he would have lived. Both of the brothers have bad in them. There`s no measurement, they just are.

Also, I would have liked to known how Damon and Elena`s life played out since he had the cure. Wouldn`t he have had to be in hiding? And how can Caroline continue to mother these girls when she doesn`t age? Is she going to stop going to PTA? So many questions, lol!

So does this mean all vampires go to "heaven" now? It seems like they can just do whatever they want without fear of consequence, which goes against the whole "morality," "humanity" shtick they were going for.

I would have rather them cut Elena`s hair while she was in the coffin. Was the budget really that tapped that they couldn`t get a better wig? I`m not rich, but I would have gladly donated to the cause if I`d known it was going to look like that.

I didn`t want a love scene, and they could`ve even cut out all the kisses. I`m just upset that there has been all this buildup for their "epic love" and we have no evidence of it. I need more than a wedding ring. Just seeing them in a house together with kids would have been enough for me, to know that Elena got

It gets better. The end of Season 2, especially. Though "better" is a relative term. There were actual moments that I fell asleep while watching it. But I love Klaus, so I persevere.

Totally. Over on TV Line everyone is brainwashed or something. You say one negative thing and they pounce and gang up on you. I can say that this forum is more mature and open.

I agree. I always thought he kind of tried too hard and put more thought into things that were best left alone. He`s over-hyped, definitely. I agree that he`s getting old. His next role he won`t be able to rely on his looks or the fandom, and then everyone else will realize how much his acting sucks.

I feel like Nina would have been open to more episodes, but she had so much press to do for XXX that it didn`t fit into her schedule.

So what did Cade die as? And wouldn`t she get the same psychic powers as him? I`m kind of surprised she didn`t go after Caroline.

I agree Nina`s acting was great. It was Ian`s that was cringe-worthy. It just seemed so forced on his part, like he could hardly stand to be in the same room with her.

I was playing on the words, saying this finale was lost and unfocused.

I`ve always felt like Caroline`s identity revolves around her romantic life.

Exactly. She figured out how to do all this impossible stuff, but she couldn`t bring Enzo back? Please.