
Yeah, I keep waiting for Rogelio to mention Michael or for the show to acknowledge their relationship in any way, but it hasn`t and it just feels like a major oversight on the show`s part.

Calm down. We are all entitled to our opinions. Don`t be one of those people that can't handle a negative review. If you enjoy it, great. Not everyone does or has to. And FYI, we all know what marketing is.

Great prediction! I'll keep my fingers crossed that you're right.

Oops! I meant Rogelio, lol.

I`m still upset that the show hasn't addressed Rogelio`s bond with Michael, and now that so much time has passed and Jane is ready to "move on," I feel like we won`t ever go there anymore. It feels like a major oversight on the writers' part. I know everyone seemed to like this episode, but it just felt slow to me. I

Perfectly said. I love how people are so quick to attack Rebecca without realizing how not-so-squeaky clean Jack is, trying to manipulate her emotionally. It`s kind of hilarious, tbh.

Right? That just goes to show how out of touch he is with how she`s feeling.

Beautifully stated. I knew I couldn`t be the only one to realize this.

Rebecca is in her mid-40s. He said it as a general thing, not literally. Rebecca was 20 when they met. It all adds up. Someone else explained it better than me down below if you`re still having trouble.

I laughed way too hard at this, lol

Yeah, the actors and showrunners keep saying, "If this doesn`t make you cry, something wrong with you." Well, you know what, there must be something wrong with me, because I didn`t shed one tear during this episode. It was good on its own, but there`s no need to keep making things bigger than they actually are.

Yeah, it`s like the show is constantly patting itself on the back and if we don`t feel as deeply about it, we`re meant to feel bad. At first I thought the cast interviews were interesting, but they quickly got annoying. The show is being pushed on us too hard and is overhyped so much and I`m not sure how long they

Totally. Jack is so obsessed with having the "perfect family" that he wants everything to be "just so." Even though Rebecca was devastated with the third baby dying, a part of her had to be relieved and then for him to press a random baby on her, she was probably too emotional to know how to say no.

You`re not the only one, but I personally don`t get the Rebecca hate. I think she`s just tired of pretending. She never wanted to be a mom, really, and probably not a wife either, or at least not to someone as average-Jo as Jack. I feel like she loves her husband and kids as people, but hates the role she has to play

I agree with everything you said. I feel like they are stretching it out to guarantee that we continue watching. It`s their insurance policy, since they know everyone wants to know how he died, but if they keep dragging like this, people will start to get frustrated.

I suppose, but the producers know how "obsessed" everyone is with Jack and with Milo, so I doubt they would drop him so quickly—or at all, tbh.

They`ve said in interviews for a while now that it would be some time before we know how he died. If people were expecting that, they haven`t been paying attention. I will say that the finale was overhyped.

Even if they had showed his death, he would still be in Season 2. This show works with flashbacks, so it can just keep going back and back. The guy that plays William has been confirmed for Season 2, and William died. That should be the least of your worries.

I hate that defense. We all don`t have to agree.

Who knows? I guess Sloane has served her purpose on the show, so we`ll never see her again. We`re only supposed to care about Kevin, apparently.