
It wasn`t Lost-like, it was just lost.

I was thinking the same thing about stabbing Kat and moving out of the way. The whole thing just seemed like a contrived way of getting Damon to turn human, while also continuing to perpetuate the "Saint Stefan" theme this show seems to have.

One more thing to add. I am a proud Delena shipper. After waiting 2 years for the reunion, we barely get any screen time with them. One lousy kiss and hand-holding. No kids? No wedding? No bar in Tribeca? Nina and Ian`s chemistry was nonexistent. It`s like the script was purposefully written to keep them apart for as

I won’t say it was the worst tv show ending, but…

You are so right about the Stefan thing! It didn't even cross my mind. To be honest, I forget sometimes that Stefan is even human. I feel like no one has even had a reaction to his transformation.

Ah, that makes sense. I marked an actual spam comment as spam once, and I think that person is marking me as retaliation. I changed my name and profile pic, but I guess they recognize my writing style. *shrugs*

I`ve sent emails too and haven't gotten a response. I keep thinking some random person is just going around and marking, but who knows?

Is it on the thread multiple times right now? Whenever I refresh the page, it disappears.

Yeah, that happens to me too.

For some reason, my comment keeps disappearing. Anyone else have that problem?

This episode was so boring. It felt like filler, which should not be what a penultimate episode should feel like. There is just no suspense anymore. Of course, it was Vicki the whole time! We saw Kayla`s name in the opening credits. Another thing, I am so sick of Bonnie sacrificing
herself for everyone else`s

I'm just watching out of some perverse sense of obligation. I became disillusioned with this mess a long time ago.

It`s like Bonnie can never get what she wants, even in her own relationship. If she wants to be pissy about what Stefan did, let her be pissy! I'm tired of Enzo telling her to let it go. I know it's coming from a place of "love," but come on.

I hope Steroline doesn`t make it. Stefan doesn`t appreciate her, and the actors don`t have good romantic chemistry. They`re better as friends.

Yes to everything you said! I am so over these characters I don`t know what to do. I honestly think the show should have ended at Season 6. The writers knew deep down that they were incapable of writing story lines that didn`t center around Elena, and 6 seasons is a perfectly good amount of seasons. Saying that this

Katherine was drained completely. As long as no one drains Stefan, he will be able to live a normal human life.

Bonnie has a link to Elena, so I guess when Elena`s life was in danger, it "alerted" Bonnie. I can`t remember how Stefan got there, though.

I`m glad I`m not the only one that was bored with the killing-Cade scene. Nothing makes sense anymore, but I guess we`re not supposed to care because it`s the final season, right? Well, that`s not me. I`ve dedicated years of my life to this show, and while I understand it`s not realistic for it to always impress me,

"Why?" is definitely all that was running throughout my head during this entire episode. I`ll tell you why Kat is in charge of Hell, because they wanted to bring her back for fanservice. Who cares if it makes sense, right? I guess Cade bet his own death, but again, why? I doubt we`ll ever know.

Oh my God! That thought actually flashed into my mind a couple of times, but I never admitted it because I thought it would sound weird. He acts exactly like Ryan Reynolds!