
Even though I enjoyed this episode more than I thought I would, I still have to point out that it just felt weird and too fast. How can you kill someone off and then give us two minutes of grieving time and then just move on? One or two full episodes would not have been too much. It`s just reinforcing the idea that

Glad I`m not the only one that`s not a fan.

I thought Caroline snuck in and got medical supplies? I don`t think Stefan went inside the hospital, unless I missed something.

Yeah, but she sees it now, and she`s still blindly worshiping him.

Making Stefan human is fine, but there should have been more focus on it. First, we didn`t even get to see how he reacted when he woke up, and then everyone acted like it was the most normal thing in the world. There needed to be a bigger reaction.

Yep. I try not to look at the credits, because they always spoil everything, but my eyes are drawn to them and then I just get impatient waiting for the exciting people to pop on screen.

You know what, I guess that is a good point, but if you look at the bigger picture, the way they treat Stefan like nothing is his fault needs to stop.

We should all get a pile of soft things ready to throw, lol

He can literally do everything he asks them to do by himself. If he was evil, he would burn the whole town down.

1. You are so right! I never even thought of this! They totally should have thought to try and decipher or copy the journal if they knew he wanted it, and letting Damon take it from them was crazy, especially when they knew he was going after it.
2.I`m also disappointed that they have brushed the girls aside. There`s

Stop with the spam, please.

Yes! It`s ridiculous how much people tout Stefan as this saint that is perfect and can do no wrong. Same thing for Damon. I don`t care if you were under compulsion or had your humanity off or had a good reason for doing bad things, the fact remains that you did them! There needs to be some acknowledgement. Forgiveness

1. Exactly right. The way Caroline brushes aside Stefan`s crimes is horrible, especially now that she`s a mom.
2. Yes! I can`t count how many times I zoned out during those. I hate to say it, but Zach R. cannot hold a scene alone.
3. Definitely is a rehash of that plot line. It would be cool if Jo could come back,

Yeah, they have amazing friendship chemistry. It`s the romantic stuff that`s the problem.

I`ve hated Stefan and Caroline as a couple from the first day.

Everything you just said. I`m sick of this show treating Stefan like he`s a saint. I tolerated him before, but now I couldn`t care less for the guy. He`s never liked Caroline, and their entire relationship was boring and built on nothing. When he proposed to her, I actually laughed out loud. He only did it because he

I forgot to mention that in my comment, but you are totally right that Cade has no motivation. Everything he does is just "because." We could argue that he just wanted to mess with them because they had the journal, but even that doesn`t make sense because he only just found out about the journal. I agree that filler

lol, We have so many questions that we`ll probably never get answers for! :)

I didn`t even consider his mom. That is definitely a possibility.

I agree that Stefan is just as bad as Damon, and even if he feels bad about his actions, it doesn`t change that fact that he still did it or that people need to stop coddling him and pushing all his bad actions under the rug. I was also confused why they didn`t wonder about his identification, but I just shrugged it