
Don't know, but it's definitely time for porches and titforks.

To people who follow such things: today Trump's approval rating fell into the 30s (39) in the RASMUSSEN poll!

If there's one thing the last two years have taught me, it's to never, never say, "Oh c'mon, nobody actually believes that, do they?"

Looking at this purely on a logical, factual basis (which I realize is not necessarily welcomed), the Moonman trophy exists because one of the earliest promotions MTV did was showing the famous photo of (I believe it was Buzz Aldrin) next to the U.S. flag on the moon, only with the flag bearing the MTV logo… this was

You know, for something that's ostensibly celebrating non-conformity, this strikes me as a rather conformist move.

I'd be curious whether anyone with expertise in the area would regard "Drugstore Cowboy" as an accurate portrayal of the junkie lifestyle. I'd guess probably not, but it's still a personal favorite, I think due a lot to Matt Dillon's performance.

I agree with the praise. Nolan has made his own kind of WWII movie and advanced the genre in the process. I was struck by the lack of characterization, but the movie is so f-ing lean!… Nolan brilliantly conveyed the intensity of combat while keeping the gore almost nonexistent. Lot’s of drownings or

Quick, someone photoshop Trump's face onto Goya's "Saturn Devouring his Son."

And as an actor he's basically a human version of Poochie.

To show how through-the-looking-glass we are, keep in mind that this was the guy who was going to bring stability to the White House… that was eight days ago.

The ending is one of my favorites. I've tried to describe it to multiple people, but you have to watch the movie to get the full impact of it… all of a sudden what has mattered the entire movie doesn't matter.

The first movie, IMO, that people were sick of it before it came out… a lesson that things can be over-marketed.

Ordinarily I'd agree with the Tweet, but keep in mind that Donald Trump's thing was going after wives: Jeb Bush, Ted Cruz, and that's just Republicans… and let us not forget that literally 24 hours ago this guy (Scaramucci) totally shit on the concept of civility while gloating, 'That's right, I went there!'

I did notice that Hans Zimmer used an effect in Dunkirk that he also used in the Dark Knight, that sound that's very quiet but almost sounds like a siren, creating an uneasy feeling (it was used a lot when the Joker was shown, for instance).

He was caught with chewing gum in his Priebus!

Trump and his people's tendency to blame the media for anything bad really is reaching the point of mania.

Never gets old.

Remember in "Spinal Tap" when the Australian girlfriend presented the drawings for the band's onstage costumes and Nigel repeatedly asks "Is this a joke?"

It has been LESS THAN ONE WEEK since Spicer resigned… tell me that doesn't seem like months ago.

I always thought it was weird that virtually no one talked about that. That was some real Emperor's New Clothes shit.