
A sociological observation having nothing to do with Morrissey:

The reason the whole "Public schools don't teach kids [history/civics/math etc…] anymore!" canard is so popular to the right is that, like many of their canards, it can neither be proven nor disproven.

"Who, Trump or O'Reilly?"

"The solar eclipse is currently gliding high over the continental United States, dazzling people, annoying others, and leading many more to squint for a few seconds at the sky with intense dissatisfaction."

Done and done.

Well I can't imagine anyone could possibly have an opinion on this.

I never had the same view of tarring-and-feathering after seeing "Lawless." Before that I'd thought of it as a comical thing.

Yeah, I went on there a couple weeks ago just to see what their comment boards were like… yikes!

For anyone who wants to see Trump go down, the big question now is whether Brietbart and the "alt-right" will turn against him.

To those of us who live in/outside Denver, Chuck E Cheese is basically associated with mass shootings…

I would say Morrissey… yes, he's a remarkably easy punching bag, but I also believe he's one of the best musical entertainers ever.

The crying video actually strikes me as a calculated way to build a defense against criminal or civil prosecution.

Not a huge insult, mind you, but tween-boy-who-likes-R-rated-comedies is kind of the stage I think of Seth Rogen as being permanently stuck in.

I was glad to see the whole the-Nazis-had-a-permit argument called out.

Bannon: "Robert, um… what did we talk about last night on the phone?"
Kuttner: [thinks for moment]… "Cheeseburgers."

I have not personal expertise, of course, but from what I've heard other people say it is a big position.

Personal anecdote: Coming back to college one fall in the '90s, I was asked by my friend if I got into any new bands over the summer. I said I discovered a great British band called Swervedriver… he thought I said Skrewdriver.

"You've got a lot of nerve to say you've got a helping hand to lend/ You just want to be on the side that's winning!"

"…under the Russian domain name…"

No offense to those in their 20s, but the fact that they're considering putting a 28-year-old in a position of this magnitude belies how desperate they are to find people willing to come aboard this sinking ship.