
I heard some of the audio today. Donald Trump used one of the most asshole-ish arguing techniques known when he asked the one reporter to define "alt-right": asking a person to answer a question, and then loudly yelling the question at them multiple times as they attempt to answer.

So there are Nazis, and then there are those who oppose Nazis, and we're not supposed to make judgments of which group is right? Especially considering which group killed someone this weekend?

It's easy to make fun of the first one for many reasons (Corey Cory!), but as a memory from my adolescence it's a rather fond one. We all learned to drive and get our licenses like a year later, and it was hard not to reference the disparate driving tests and the woman's "Don't fuck with the DMV! We can make your life

I remember how confused I was when he stopped carrying the rolled-up cable around his neck. Up to then I figured he had to rush to the comedy club from doing a job.

I saw the Daily Stormer story yesterday, and of course found it disgusting, but it was also educational:

So much so that we'll take The Hill.

Investors Business Daily had it at 32.

In all fairness Trump is very slow to criticize others. The last thing he wants to do is hurl invective at any particular individual or group. He's definitely a let's-get-all-the-facts-before-speaking-ill-of-someone type.

It's like a joke I heard: "Does this white hood make me look economically anxious?"

I was thinking recently about how some people are quick to recognize patterns, and how with others it takes longer.

And Jesus said to sermon, "I can walk on water, and they can't!"

Does anyone else find the fact that the "torches" are tiki ones a comical touch? It's like, are they marching for the white race or trying to play cornhole?

Wasn't this the premise of that old slasher movie staring a pre-Downtown Julie Brown?

Never saw it, but really liked the poster.

And on the same day a lawsuit by an accused sexual harasser against the accuser was thrown out of court.

Last month I was reading a book about the Holocaust (what can I say, I like summer beach reads)… imagine what I thought when I read this passage:

I'm usually loathe to bring this element into political points, but… can anyone look me in the eye (metaphorically), and tell me that if a black rapper who had sang the same lyrics as Kid Rock were proposing a senate run as a Democrat, that the entire right wing wouldn't be freaking out about 'Can you believe what

This may be something that I should let go, but goddamn I hate when filmmakers insert themselves into their movies (Quentin Tarantino and M. Night make my point pretty well).

Maybe getting too political, but…

And of course he falls back on the old childhood tactic of "I'm glad [bad thing] happened to me!"