
Thanks for your comments. I found them useful.

In trying to figure out this Scaramucci guy, I ultimately conclude that he's good news for those wanting to see Trump's downfall. He's paranoid, incompetent, prone to drastic statements and actions, and is encouraging Trump to be himself (as opposed to tamping him down).

I heard that one. I also heard the "What about the CHILDREN!?" argument, i.e., not that trans people will molest children (I'm sure there's some saying it, but it's not what I heard), but that any kind of exposure to trans people would "confuse" children.

"Zodiac" is just a more complex movie. I don't wanna take away anything from the other two, but to me Z is playing the game on a higher level. The painstaking period detail Fincher injects is just one example.

I hate to say it, but, Farenthold does remind me of a character in that infamously bad "Garbage Pail Kids" movie in the '80s.

I watched Hulu's "The Handmaid's Tale"… didn't especially like it, but whatever (mostly the ending).

Jeez, If I didn't know any better I'd almost think that America has been had.

He actually said several things to an audience of teenagers that would have no relevance to them.

Already posted this on another board, but count me as another Eagle Scout very pissed off about this.

My God this guy can go fuck himself.

I always thought that the Lusitania sinking that quickly was such a big deal because of how rarely it happens like that… also adding the qualifier than I'm no expert.

This is probably the first Tom Hardy movie in which something was obscuring his face.

"Yeah, it's a good idea, Homer, but they've already made some movies about World War II."
- Troy McClure, drunk.

Funny anecdote: I was really bored on Saturday and went on Breitbart, just to see what they had going. They were covering, in real time, a protest against fake news outside the CNN headquarters. It looked like the amount of protestors there strained to make it into the double digits.

Hey, remember that Ice Cream Cones cereal from the '80s? It had the commercial with "Ice Cream Jones" delivering it?

In October we were on vacation in D.C. At about 9 p.m. on a Saturday night we visited the MLK memorial. We walked right next door to the FDR memorial and there were just tons and tons of people milling about in the dark. I wondered why the MLK had so few visitors, and the FDR like, 20 times more visitors… well, you

I was 10, so if I'm not mistaken, I was the exact age of the boys in Season 1, and I too was a horror kid (I also had an older brother in high school). That's why I was especially attuned to the Is Stranger Things overly reliant on nostalgia? debate that ensued (my take was: yes, a little bit).

"It doesn't look like anything to me."

Some of the things I've heard… it almost makes you wonder about the guy.

This book was friggin' excellent… but I wonder whether I'd want to see it in movie form, i.e., so dire.