
You might be too optimistic. Just this morning Trump tweeted about his "complete power to pardon."

I heard a lot of animosity toward anyone interested in the parole hearing. There seems to be this perception that if you're at all interested in the O.J. saga that that means you somehow support him.

"Maybe it's the beer talking Marge, but you've got a butt that won't quit. They got those big chewy pretzels heregh adah ahwagudwidabeeruhdh…five dollars?! Get outta here."

What's the expression? If you lay down with dogs you'll wake up with fleas?

Yes, Sean Spicer provided lots of meme-fodder, but let's not forget that he was the earliest public face of the Trump administration, and perfectly portended the strange mix of evil and incompetence that we were in for.

There have been multiple instances during the last several weeks of people turning down roles in this administration.

It's always been a pet peeve of mine that people misuse the expression so much, i.e., thinking it simply means not getting something you want. "Sour grapes" means not getting something you want and then trying to convince yourself that it wasn't worth having to begin with.

The head of the Media Research Center once said, on television, that Obama looks like a "skinny ghetto crackhead."

I guarantee he's said those words to someone close to him during the last six months, while weeping.

Wasn't Troy McClure in this?

In really, really, really thinking about this as objectively as possible, I'd be inclined to believe there's at least a 50/50 chance it's true. As pointed out above, many other aspects of this once-thought-to-be-far-fetched dossier have since been verified, and, just as importantly, I can totally see Trump doing this.

"You must be very proud, Mary."
- Eugene Levy

"Slipknot" is a very interesting band… even though they're just recycling ideas from "Slayer".

"I want other parents to join me in refusing to order off the 'unrefined palates' menu. If we stop ordering the chicken fingers, they’ll stop offering the chicken fingers."

If you're going to lay claim to "the best summation of the right-wing state of mind," there's no way I can't post this:

I liked the nuanced approach of "The Earth is Weeping." I'm definitely of the school of thought that history is more complicated than the simple narratives that get more black-and-white with every generation.

I realize I may be projecting, here, but almost every time I see a picture of Pence looking at Trump I can so clearly see that Pence is thinking, "Any day now… any day."

Do depressed people read "Breakfast of Champions," or does reading "Breakfast of Champions" make people depressed?… it's one of those chicken-or-egg things.

I actually find "Don Quixote" to be a pretty entertaining book. I've read it twice in the last 15 years, and especially on the re-reading I thought it was a pretty good time.

Well put. It's also one of my favorites, but it's not really the type of book where you go, "Oh, finally we're getting somewhere!"