
'Cause fucking why not, right?

Happy Birthday… but don't be so sure. As a Morrissey lyric I like goes, "Living longer than I had intended, something must have gone right."

And it begins.

The first time you saw Harold Perrineau in something else (e.g., Matrix 2, Lost), were you surprised that he wasn't in a wheelchair?

Didn't the sitting governor get murdered in the prison, or am I misremembering that?

I know you're making a pun, but… yes, yes he should.

Joke I heard this morning:

This was a good show, but its plotlines did veer to the ridiculous the longer it was on. The amount of violence that occurred at this prison would make national headlines, for instance, but they always seemed to present it as though Oswald existed in a bubble.

“ I’ve got to become an independent “

Fincher's "Zodiac" is an example of how that can be handled tastefully, and to great effect.

Not to disrespect someone's death, but this whole thing reminds me of that frat that tried to coverup that hazing death.

A month ago Trump apologists were saying that there was nothing to the collusion "conspiracy theories." Now, today on Fox News their in-house lawyer is saying that there's nothing illegal about collusion.

"I don't do well with things I can't reason with."

Bigmouth Lives Matter!

I went to a Pompeii exhibit several years ago.

"As An American, why speak poorly of anyone?"

It was, like, 263 Trumps ago, but remember when Trump was asked about a Bible passage that's important to him and he said "Two Corinthians," and hilarity ensued?

I wonder if the movie will show his teachers beating the shit out of him.

Finished watching "The Handmaid's Tale."

I'm Gen X and my wife is part of the group addressed by this article. Two nights ago she asked me how I would describe Generation X. Normally I hate talk like this (i.e., identifying yourself too strongly with your generation), but it did get me to thinking: what characterizes my generation in a serious,