
First of all, I will not have "Cops" disparaged. I've have watched the TV show "Cops" within the last two hours.

I think that, to an extent, much of the country is depressed by what's happening.

Again—and I'm not being sarcastic—I will never tire of comparisons between our current situation to the movie "Idiocracy."

As noxious as this is (oh yeah, fuck him), I thought what he said last night was even moreso, i.e., referring to a roomful of veterans as "we" and trying to get them on his side in his grudge against the media.

Yes, it's totally reasonable to refute someone questioning your mental stability by undertaking actions that bring into question your mental stability.

As far as I'm concerned "Lincoln in the Bardo" can't be praised enough. Saunders is finally being recognized for the genius he is, and we really haven't had a great postmodern novel in a while.

Trump's spokespeople are defending his actions by saying such things as "he's a fighter" and a "counterpuncher" (Sanders and Conway, respectively)… in other words, that he's so tough.

The fake "TIME" covers scandal… is why I'm skeptical.

Looks like someone just won the Internet, IMO.

I'm at that point where I really don't want to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but this struck me as really odd (Chaffetz's resignation, not the Fox News part).

The book "All the Truth is Out" is a great summation and analysis of this "scandal".

Methinks she's mired in substance-abuse issues…

Was the second season of "The Man in the High Castle" 2016? Because I thought that was fucking great.

As of this writing, this post is not appearing on my Disqus account…

I've experienced the exact same thing in that at one eatery I ordered more-than-usual sauce and saw on my receipt that they used "wet". So I used that at another place to even more confused and uncomfortable looks… and ditto on "extra sauce". They'll just give you the extra container, probably charge you for it, and

I worked as a print journalist for more than a decade. Oh I wasn't too high on the food chain or anything, but I did it full time, made a living and won some pretty significant awards for my weight class.

Many times, yes. I know saying you like Hooters for the food is akin to the old joke about getting Playboy for the articles, but I sincerely do like their wings.

I like Buffalo wings and I like them with extra sauce. For a while I would tell the waitresses my order and simply add the word "moist." I'd usually get a look that ranged from confused to uncomfortable.

Guided by Voices and their ilk release too many goddamn albums!

In all fairness, I don't think she meant anything by it.