
I saw this headline elsewhere, and, given our current climate, I thought it said "GOP candidate body-shames reporter."

By way of something that may or may not be relevant to this discussion, I just have to say:

I've always said: if there's one problem we have in this country, it's our direly underfunded, nearly nonexistent military.

Where'd you start out, on the Merrimack? Hey, I should talk. I hope I look that good when I'm 200.

"I am closer to TRUTH than ever… Stay tuned!"

I like people who don't get cancer.

Nothing screams "Summer Action!" like a guy buttoning his suitcoat.

These violent delights have matzo balls.

My wife loves Elizabeth Moss. She's currently going through "Handmaid's Tale," and she actually cried when Peggy and Stan declared their love in the "Mad Men" finale.

I remember watching "For Your Eyes Only" several times with my dad when I was a little kid, so it's one of those things where I can't possibly assess it objectively re: where it goes on the Bond scale.

There's a morning talk-show host in my market who used to have this guy (JC) on because the host was big believer in the birther thing.

Thank you. I was always amazed at how many people were fans of Sedaris who never knew about the short stories in "Barrel Fever." The title story is not only hilarious but an ode to anyone who's ever realized that they enjoy drinking alone rather than with other people.

"It’s easy to read the diary pages contained in Theft By Finding as Sedaris’ first draft to some of his most celebrated works—the initial observation, joke, or insight that will later be fleshed out, put down here in the present tense."

So in the movie Not Sure agrees to work for Camacho, and is tasked with solving a problem that, at least in the timeframe they desire, is impossible to solve. Not Sure is then scapegoated and punished for not solving the unsolvable problem.

I realize this is probably tongue-in-cheek, but it does raise what I think will be a consequence of the last election: now that a reality-show star was elected president, I'm really wondering how many primary stages are going to be stocked not with so many senators and governors, but rather with singers, athletes,

I was talking to someone who said he read that Chris Cornell had a "four-octave" vocal range. I said this to the Mrs. and she said that there's no way CC had a "four-octave" range because that's incredibly rare (but then she's not very versed in CC's music, so she wouldn't necessarily know that CC was famous for his

I don't see how anyone could blame Anderson Cooper. He's one of the most composed broadcasters on the airwaves, but even he's had it with this shit.

So it's kind of a reverse Dorian Gray situation.

I think I might've gone on Info Wars out of curiosity or something, but for weeks afterward my banner ads were often the Info Wars supplements… it was some of the stupidest bullshit I've ever seen. You'd be hard-pressed to find a more literal, modern incarnation of snake oil.

Roger Ailes, Bill O'Reilly, Bob Beckel…