
Nice shoutout on Big Wreck. Yes, a quality band that remained virtually unknown in the US.

Never underestimate how low the bar has become. I've been listening to right-wing talk radio this week just to see how they're spinning everything that's happening, and among many devices they're using, the lowered bar is a biggie.

I wrote elsewhere yesterday that I always maintained that he was the best rock vocalist ever, and was actually arguing so with a friend last weekend.

I'd really like to be a fly on the wall where a rock star is trying to get a life insurance policy. One wonders how that conversation would go.

Depending on how one defines "common," the fatalities were somewhat common. I worked with a waitress whose high-school-aged brother was killed in a street race in 2002.

Many years ago my friend and I were drinking at the House of Blues bar in Las Vegas, and the bartender was regaling us with tales of the rock stars he has served.

I always considered grunge to be the Seattle Four and then Stone Temple Pilots.

I sincerely believe he was the best rock vocalist ever. I was actually arguing so with a friend, over text message, four days ago.

You mean a man who spent Mother's Day golfing instead of seeing his wife and child and instead tweeted a Mother's Day message to her and all other mothers might not be committed to his family?

Even during a time when there are so many good shows out there, I think I'd call TMITHC my favorite. About the most thought-provoking show out there, and really appeals to history enthusiasts.

Too bad it's the end of the weekend. If it were the beginning, I'd say salute this fine actor by holing up with your adult beverage of choice and watching "Southern Comfort" (1981).

I have confidence in Donald Trump sputtering out, I have confidence in him being brought down by various possible scandals (e.g., Russia, his hidden business dealings, conflicts of interest) but I have no confidence that his base will ever abandon him. It's like, if they still haven't abandoned him by this point, what

Just the other day I said that the defining characteristic of truly ignorant people isn't a lack of confidence in their intelligence, it's too much confidence in their intelligence.

The perception by his followers that Donald Trump isn't an elite is one of the most befuddling, back-asswards things they believe. The guy literally lives in a gold tower in Manhattan, and hangs out a private club where membership is $200,000… it's like, if he's not an elitist, who is?

The best explanation of projection (the tendency to attribute your secret thoughts and actions toward others) I ever heard was that thieves are more likely to fear that others will steal from them.

I was surprised to see that the real SS returned today. I thought his action Tuesday night qualified as a nervous breakdown.

The Sopranos episode where the kid takes a dump in his school shower and then steps on it.

Ohhhh, It's called "I Love Dick" and there's a character named Dick.

The Washington Post "is willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, pointing out that Trump has used “prime the pump” at least a few times before, suggesting this exchange might have been the sort of winking, deadpan humor where you just repeat an obvious lie a few times using the same words, each iteration funnier

One of his aides having to explain to Donald Trump that there's a difference between "sexy" and "sexist" actually sounds somewhat plausible.