
Good idea. At this point America is so surprised at what a good job Trump is doing that his name is political gold.

I don't think she takes meth (which I realize was a joke), but I'd bet with confidence that that woman's medicine cabinet has a lot of bottles.

If she's the one I'm thinking of, she's big on that "American people" shit, i.e., "The American people don't care about…" "He's busy focusing on the business of the American people."

The thing I really want to say to these Conways, Spicers, et al., is 'Donald Trump is one third of the way through his first year in office… aren't you the least bit nervous about what you'll be expected to defend? How much further this all may go? Just look at how far it has gone already.'

Days before the election, Bill Maher said that the country is experiencing a "slow-moving right-wing coup."

"Basically, Geragos is suggesting that the festival was set up to fail, with the organizers allegedly planning to just run off with the money."

I remember him saying his favorite band was Rage Against the Machine… if that's not ironic, I don't know what is.

So much has happened since then, but I still can't get over that his very first conference with the press was him coming out and essentially yelling at reporters something that wasn't true (inauguration crowd size), as if the reporters were going to cower and just go, "Okay, Sean, yeah, you got it, that's what we'll

I never saw the BBC version, but that doesn't surprise me to hear that. It's like, whatever writer's room came up with the American version probably looked to the Jerry Springer show for the tone.

So Bill Clinton is the one who actually writes James Patterson's books.

The Lost City of Z. I appreciated the understated approach of the filmmakers (I was reminded of the similar approach in a much different movie, Spotlight). I can imagine those jungle and trench-warfare scenes being done by myriad flashy directors, but I think this director's methods were just as effective.

Knowing that this is exactly the kind of thing that gets to him, I say, 'Keep it up!"

As someone who listens to talk radio, it's really striking the point to which Trump supporters remain aroused from election night, basically ignoring that he's since become president and is failing miserably (e.g., polls, to begin with).

"Movies like this" makes me think of that early '90s subgenre in which a yuppie couple would be stalked by a seemingly-normal-but-is-actually-a-psychopath wolf in sheep's clothing, e.g.: Unlawful Entry, Consenting Adults, Single White Female, the Hand that Rocks the Cradle.

In 2000, coming off eight years of Bill Clinton (i.e., things mostly going in right direction), just out-of-college me voted for Ralph Nader, because like, Republicans and Democrats are really the same if you think about it man. Then, during the Bush years, myself and millions like me came to realize that Republicans

Try working out. Whether cardio or strength-training, one can be very productive in this state of mind.

Give him credit: he adopted a look that's caused him to look the same for a good 2+ decades.

It's like the Lewis Black joke: "You know why we should applaud Al Gore for marrying a woman named Tipper? He did it so we didn't have to!"

They go together like Traffic and Weather.

Fellatio is now something that only happens between men and other men?