
Michael Savage and Glenn Beck have also "written" thrillers (I guess the Michael Savage one features a protagonist that a ridiculously obvious avatar of Savage).

If you wanna have eating adventures in Iceland, keep in mind that you can consume whale and horse there. (Had the former, didn't get around to the latter).

How does it go? "Say baby, put that pipe down and get this pipe up."

Three thoughts:

I picture Amendola making a lot of calls the past week to see if anyone he knew was going to a funeral, and then asking if he could tag along.

As the cop said in Goodfellas, "Bye-bye dickhead!"

Just started Lincoln in the Bardo yesterday. I'm going in completely cold, as I've heard recommended. Last night I was about 50 pp. in and almost broke down and read some reviews, because I needed some kind of guidance on what was happening. But I resisted, and about 20 more pages I started realizing what was going on.

It's one of the most observable and repeated formulas in right-wing media: a black person willing to badmouth black people en masse is a valuable and sought-after resource, because, as you wrote, it gives white people wanting to badmouth black people a fulcrum by which to do so.

I don't begrudge Bill Condon a payday, but it was kind of a huh? when he went from "Gods and Monsters" to, eventually, "Twilight."

"Well, I asked for something to eat, I'm hungry as a hog/ So I get brown rice, seaweed and a dirty hot dog/ I've got a hole where my stomach disappeared… Then you ask why I don't live here, Honey, I gotta think you're really weird."

Hmmm, it sounds like you and I live within miles (which is certainly interesting to anyone other than you and I reading this).

Never thought I'd be defending George W. Bush, but…

From sporadically listening to Beck's radio show a few years ago, I remember that he was constantly imploring his listeners to call their cable provider and request that "The Blaze" be added to the lineup.

Although sexual harassment and spousal abuse are much more serious, I found myself most befuddled by Fox News saying nothing when it came out that O'Reilly had fabricated so much of his kick-ass reporter resume.

I remember reading an interview with King before the release of "Maximum Overdrive," and he seemed to be pretty aware that he wasn't a movie director, and that he was somewhat being played by the industry. I think he likened the bigwigs seeing what he'd come up with as people wanting to see a two-headed cow.

Doesn't James Patterson have other writers write his books?

Evangelicals are free to be Christians all they want. It's weird that they have this persecution complex about how they're being oppressed if they're not free to impose their version of Christianity on everyone else.

His guest role in an episode of "Newhart" was great. His feigned hurt when Bob Newhart finally insults him back is great.

This is probably viewed as good in pro-O'Reilly corners.

Is Dan O'Bannon even mentioned in connection with this movie anymore, or has the narrative become that it was all Ridley Scott's doing?