
Roger Ailes: "Now Shepard, when you get back I want to see pictures!"

Shit, I've actually got a copy of "The Demonologist" in my basement. Of course it all depends on how you feel about such supernatural things to begin with, but the book is idiotic bullshit. It's just really weird that for a time there was a middle-class America fixation on such things.

Come to think of it, I've never seen Courtney Love and Kellyanne Conway together.

I was just listening to a podcast about "2001". One guy, by way of an endorsement, made what-I-thought was a great point: "'2001' isn't a movie that comes to you… it's a movie that you have to go to it."

There's something about the whole Fox News ethos that really appeals to retired people. Example: just a couple years ago, I was reading a column on their website, in which the writer wrote something to the effect of: "Young people are in crisis. Teen pregnancy has never been higher." It's like, not only is that

Maybe it's the mood I'm in, but this made me laugh violently.

I guess there's starting to be some pretty informed speculation that he may have some degree of dementia.

My 2 cents: Actually "Hey Jealousy" by the Gin Blossoms was "cool" for a few weeks, before it became a radio mainstay (this is, of course, depending on how "cool" was defined at the time). "Lump" was never cool, though. People were sick of that song in a matter of days.

Someone recently made a good point: the reason you see these things from Bill O'Reilly, Roger Ailes, Donald Trump et al is that, they may have money, power, and all the trappings that go along with that, but there's no way these men will ever stand naked before a woman and fill her with desire, because you can't buy

To somewhat echo the other respondents:

Guided By Voices/Robert Pollard is releasing a new album!?

Oh, c'mon… it can't be this fucking easy!

So Donald Trump made promises to these people that didn't materialize, leaving them to realize they'd been conned by his superlative sales pitch.

What was supremely frustrating was the squandered capitol, i.e., how prepped they were for a mega-successful album:

As has been said before, that was back when strangers could hit kids. Now the parents can't even do it.

Not bad, if he would've stopped at one.

Music by Tangerine Dream!

ONE problem the Democratic party has comes down to why, when I turned 18, Madonna was on MTV threatening to spank me: voter turnout. Generally speaking, younger people gravitate toward Democrats, and older people gravitate toward Republicans… and we all know which age group votes more.

My high-school brother watched it a lot during that time, and I sometimes watched it with him, despite being only 7. From watching it during that age I remember thinking that high school was obviously a very brutal place, where the quality of a day was measured by how much sadism you inflicted vs. how much you

The buyer's remorse among many who voted for him is getting thick. A couple months ago I would've said it was just wishful thinking to believe it, but it really seems to be a thing now. He just hit a new low in the Gallup poll today, after many recent days of hitting new lows.