
Wasn't he supposed to be waterboarded? Whatever happened to that?

Another musical reference concerning the failed health care bill: I heard someone make the point that Republicans have allegedly been working on an Obamacare replacement for how many years now? And they end up giving us Chinese Democracy.

Fun fact: the filmmaker took such wording from the actual Salem witch trials. So there was a time when women claimed that witches/Satan actually enticed them with those words.

It's "Mission Accomplished!" all over again.

Yes, we all remember the lines about how they'll be so much winning we'll get tired of winning, but, knock on wood, I think more Americans are coming to realize that Donald Trump's version of winning is basically this:

Hey, his test results are "astonishingly excellent," yo!

Knowing the whole story is considered overrated in the age of hot takes.

What bullshit. He's basically arguing agains the concept of film critics in general. Rotten Tomatoes is one of the only bastions left of true, objective film criticism.

I use a surprisingly similar justification for my drinking.

That scenario has played out ad infinitum across the country for many years. My own market has a guy who was the biggest Top 40 DJ in the '80s, then about the time it was no longer feasible for him to do that—lo and behold!—he discovered that he was a right-winger, and now keeps a toe-hold in the market by being a GOP

Yeah, those boots have clearly seen a lot of use.

My grandfather volunteered for Meals on Wheels into his old age, taking meals to seniors who weren't that much older than himself. His politics were complicated, but he never lost that sense of duty so common to his generation (he was a WWII veteran). He was still delivering for MoW when he was in a car accident that

I guess today at some conference she said that Washington is a humorless town, and that nobody knows how to take a joke. She was apparently referring to her "microwaves" comment.

One of my favorite bits on the old Ali G show was when he assembled a panel to discuss the media - heads of think tanks, professors, etc. He asked them if books were part of the media. They all nodded in the affirmative before Ali G, prefacing "I ain't never done this, but…" asks the members of the panel if any of

Does that mean that on their resumes (or whatever an actor's resume is called), under "Acting Credits" is reads "Not-an-Actor #3" in Chevy commercial?

Wasn't he supposed to be waterboarded? Whatever happened to that?

Sometimes you're the one fucking while your friend waits outside, and sometimes you're the one waiting outside while your friend fucks.

Yes, I drove by said prison this morning… Not that that means shit to anyone else, of course, I'm just in a self-absorbed mood this evening…

People are more accepting of Trump when they don't see his mania, i.e., when he sticks to the Teleprompter and doesn't Tweet. When he goes off script and Tweets, the American public (which has never been accused of having an overly long attention span) is reminded that he's not right, and his numbers stay low… anyone

Finished first season of Bates Motel, and plan on proceeding. Yes, it's a lurid, perverse little soap opera of a show, but it's impressive how much it ends up clicking. And the small-town-where-everyone-has-a-secret thing has been done to death, but BM breathed some fresh life into it, IMO.