
NIce piece. I wasn't aware of a couple of those.

A young Kim Cattrall also starred in "Police Academy," a 1984 movie that launched a successful franchise that culminated ten years later with "Police Academy: Mission to Mosco [drops drink]

My favorite thing that someone said about the speech was a radio caller who said she used to be a teacher, and how every teacher knows when the student is reading a book report that his parents wrote for him.

Well that much-vaunted "pivot" didn't last long.

It's cool that one of our most brilliant writers puts himself out there so willingly, instead of pulling some Pynchonian hiding act (Also, check out his David Letterman appearance ten years ago. The story he tells about attending a baseball game is quite funny).

"You know those guitars that are, like, double guitars?"

If it's any consolation: once you've been out of high school a while, deluding yourself into thinking you were better with the girls than you actually were is a practice that's quietly accepted in our society.

I didn't know about the flight jacket thing until reading this article.

"Super Sad True Love Story" Yes, maybe many of the signs were there when Gary S. wrote it, but he accurately predicted where a social-media based society would take us, IMO.

Yeah, I'm assuming that by the next round of presidential primaries (assuming we live to see it), the stages won't be populated by Congresspeople, Senators, current and former Governors, but rather athletes, singers, actors, some more reality TV stars… that's the particular genie I fear Trump's election has loosed

Where's David? It he supposed to be in this much?

It's funny how obvious it is when someone else writes his Tweets.

As I've said before, quick reference guide for conservatives: Dinesh D'Souza: Convicted Felon. Hillary Clinton: NOT a Convicted Felon.

Donald Trump isn't capable of self-deprecation. That's why this Correspondent's Diner is already a fucking farce.

I've always been struck by the lack of criticism re: his policy toward gypsies.

They should've used a cheesy-looking robot.

It reminds me of that early '90s SNL commercial for the British toothpaste.

It's a greater tragedy that he wasn't able to get his "At the Mountains of Madness" adaptation made.

A podcaster I like just made the point that it's weird how the two parties seem to be switching, in that the Republicans seem to be becoming the party of perverts (acknowledging that's a highly subjective term, of course).

If nothing else re: Planned Parenthood, I would urge people not to forget the PP shooting a couple years ago in Colorado. Lots of conservatives are pulling that There's no such thing as right-wing terrorism canard.