
Well, it appears the two people who watched "Death Car on the Freeway" last year were you and me.

You should've heard what he wanted to say.

Ditto on seeing him on Maher/hearing him speak for first time… I remember thinking he was so less… formidable than I was expecting. To me he came off as kind-of dull.

I haven't read Satre, so I can't speak from experience, but I've heard his stuff is quite dry, whereas Camus is more appealing. "The Stranger" is an easy read, and "The Plague" is one of the more entertaining literary novels I've read.

"No puppet! No puppet!… You're the puppet!"

So that's the bridge too far.

Yeah, I remember it being the movie to see among my parents when I was an adolescent, and I specifically remember hearing "If you're thinking about having an affair, you won't want to after seeing 'Fatal Attraction.'"

At the Existentialist Cafe… How many kept an existentialist text on their bookshelves in college just to show how dark and mysterious they were? I did, and now, this many years later, I realized that I didn't actually know what it meant. AtEC lays out the movement in an appealing combination of biography, history and

So he's under tremendous stress and then decides to go to a place that's not stressful, a place where he feels more comfortable, even joyful.

Years ago he published a book of poetry that was later shown to be somewhat plagiarized Tori Amos lyrics… that struck me as very telling, and I think it's authentically embarrassing for him.

I didn't think the interaction was as bad as everyone else did, apparently, but I was also drinking when I watched it, i.e., probably have to re-watch it sober to make an objective judgment.

"Survivor Type" is one of the nastiest things I've ever read… if I recall, in the notes to "Skeleton Crew" King even acknowledged about that story something-to-the-effect-of 'Yeah, that idea was really nasty.'

As I heard one political commentator say, do a thought experiment by replacing "Trump" with "Obama" and, in this case, "CNN" with "Fox News."

"Do you believe that if Republicans were obstructing Obama like Democrats are doing to President Trump…"

I heard he touted his approval numbers… umm, his approval numbers are at record lows. However, there's the outlier of the right-leaning Rasmussen Reports, which has him up by 10. Virtually every other polling outlet has him down, and Gallup and Pew have him down by double digits.

Three years ago I got halfway through the first season of "The Americans." Just the other day I decided to pick up where I left off. I didn't much care for it back then, butI kept seeing how the AV Club gave it really good ratings in its subsequent seasons.

You know, music stores don't exist anymore, video stores don't exist anymore, but I've noticed that book buyers seem to be the last media holdout, i.e., that they still like the idea of the real thing enough to keep bookstores in business.

I was allowed to rent them, but the first video store in our neighborhood had really simple wood shelves, soooooo, while I would take down a horror movie and ostensibly examine it, I was "surreptitiously" looking at the backs of the porno boxes.

I was a loyal subscriber from about 10 to when I discovered girls.

Probably too late to contribute anything original to this, but…