
It was so obvious that she was sent out there with just a handful of talking points that she planned on employing regardless of the topic. At one point didn't Maher ask her a question, she said some stuff, and Maher answered something to the effect of "That's not what I asked you." and the way he said it was very

I watched "Stranger Things" and enjoyed it. Then, my significant other watched it, so I kind of rewatched it, and it seemed weak to me.

Along the same lines… at this point, anyone who doesn't think Fox News is full of shit will never think they're full of shit, but still, stuff like this is funny (from today):

I'm of the school that shows should just stop having her on. They have to send a message that there there is an event horizon of credibility.

Well, I guess I know where I'm gonna get my news from now on, then.

"Remarkable Lives: Tragic Deaths"

The other day I listened to a podcast about the life and death of Kurt Cobain, on which his suicide note was read.

I don't think Trump has any core values or core principles; it's pure self-interest. If anti-gay people helped him get elected, he'll side with them.

I keep wondering what exactly Matthew Modine's role in that is supposed to be. Is he restraining her? Is he just being grab-ass'y?

I was also surprised to learn that enjoyment was the point of the presidency.

I would also say that, to whoever has the time, run for local offices, i.e., city councils, school boards, planning commissions, etc. (I've also seen some pretty average Joes and Janes become state reps. Depending on the district, you'd be surprised).

In 2000 I voted for Ralph Nader. My reasoning was also the typical "Well there's really no difference between the two parties man!" Then we got eight years of W. Bush and four years of total Republican control. Not only did I immensely regret my 2000 attitude, of course, but I also wondered why I had it in the first

"Fake Headlines" is my favorite song of theirs. If you listen to it in your car, at top volume, while driving down the highway on a summer day, you will achieve nirvana.

I heard he and The Thing are being detained at JFK.

Where are the Christians in all this?

Gabriel Sherman deserves credit for pioneering the anti-Ailes movement. "The Loudest Voice in the Room" kind of started it all (or at least was a major milestone).

Bob Larson was right: a bunch of beer-belching jerks!

There are the ones everybody names (i.e., Bee Thousand, Alien Lanes), but I also liked their more commercial stuff: Do the Collapse, Isolation Drills… Universal Truths and Cycles has its moments.

"Keanu Reeves co-stars as the eccentric therapist administering unconventional treatment to her,"

When Donald Trump was running for the nomination and just starting to get some attention, I heard someone from Italy make a point I found chilling: It always starts as a joke.