
As I read after the election, in some advice to Trump resisters: expect to align with people you would't imagine yourself ever aligning with.

I could've gotten into a better college if they'd only accepted the "alternative answers" on my ACT.

Kellyanne Conway, in defending Spicer's lies at yesterday's press conference, said he was simply using "alternative facts."

Remind them of the Tea Party protests. They're just pissed because we're doing what they did, and doing it so much better.

You know, I'm actually really heartened to see this. The despair I (and so many people) felt after the election was due to the thought Is this actually the country I live in now? To see that there are so many people who feel this way is just awesome.

Just out of curiosity, does this movie at all address the Son of Sam case?

No, he's just got his tongue up some chick's ass.

'Cause in the battle for civil rights, the first and most important rule is: don't rock the boat.

In a just world it would be the thrower of the shit who would get a six-figure deal from Simon & Schuster.

That very thought was keeping me up two nights ago… I'm not joking.

Surprised no one's come full circle by making a reference to "Yellow Journalism."

Just yesterday I was telling someone about an obnoxious commercial I keep hearing on an AM station out of North Carolina: It starts out with someone shouting 5, 4, 3, 2, 1! and then that really typical rave/sporting-event music. It's a commercial for Ringling Bros. "Circus XTREME," and touts "Extreme family fun!!!"

From reading about it, I personally think there's some truth to the Russian-hookers-pissing-Trump story. However, I was just saying that, even if it's actually bullshit… good! Trump used fake accusations against his opponents throughout the campaign. Not even enumerating the things against Democrats, this is a man who

Hey, he built his whole campaign around being nasty. Turnabout is fair play.

I picture the band meeting where this was proposed and one guy saying, "Are you sure? Trump's pretty controversial. What if people boycott us?" Then the rest of the band staring at him until he says "Yeah, I see your point."

I predict that we'll start to see a lot of Russian movies in our theaters, beginning soon.

Clearly she's never seen "Monster Dog."

Thanks for the recommendations. Haven't seen "Under the Dome," but I saw and really enjoyed 11.22.63 (and what great synergy with the other thing I named in my post).

Of all the shows aimed at high-schoolers when I was in high school, the aforementioned "Parker Lewis Can't Lose" was the only one I authentically liked. It didn't try to speak to me or replicate my experiences, it was just absurdist humor in a high-school setting.