
I'm not sure out of those two, but man I found Vonnegut to be overrated. "Cat's Cradle" was actually the only book of his that blew me away. "Slaughterhouse Five" wasn't bad, but "Breakfast of Champions?" Holy shit did I not get the appeal of that book.

Faster Pussycat's cover of this song is fucking great.

This is really stickler-shit, but I was always bothered by why the movie wasn't called "God is Not Dead"

A new episode of "The Leftovers"? Great, yet another hour of the main character acting weirded out.

"Whenever they wanna show that a band is, like, just a great bunch of guys, they always show them on a couch." - Butthead

"Change for a dollar" is one of my favorite Mr. Show sketches, and I've always gotten the impression that fans don't especially like it, which is odd. It's incredibly funny, and infinitely applicable in day-to-day life. I don't know how many times I've said, "it was like change-for-a-dollar" when describing a

Man I had mixed feelings about "Spectre." The action sequences were thrilling, and I was really engaged in the plot (something that, even as a Bond fan, I rarely am).

Re: not interacting with the cast…

I did like the one where they look for El Chingon.


I like it.

Snip snip!

How totally '80s.

"…Double Damn!!"
"…Aww SHIT!!!"

I still haunt used bookstores looking for that great 70s/80s horror paperback art… if you were into that you should get a nostalgic kick out of the website Too Much Horror Fiction. It's the best I've seen on the subject.

Fuck it, I'll read it. I love that guy.

For a while I didn't have much of an opinion on this guy, just what I'd heard about AMLP, Oprah, etc. It was only a few years later when I read the piece that exposed him that I realized that what he did was actually pretty fucking egregious. He not only fabricated tragedies to make money, he also made money by

Is this an objectively good song? Hell, I don't know. I don't think I've ever even heard it discussed in those terms.

It was a teachable moment. By the time you finish high school you should have SOME ability to hold your liquor.

You knew the teacher was a good guy because he insisted the students not call him "Mr." Total movie/TV shorthand for 'that's the cool teacher.'