
Hype surrounding a "Star Wars" movie?

"Nightbreed"? In high school my buddy and I snuck into that movie… and we still wanted to ask for our money back.

Agreed. I remember that at the time, my favorite bands putting their songs on soundtracks but not on their albums pissed me off. An example from another movie that summer: "Soul to Squeeze" by Red Hot Chili Peppers, on the "Coneheads" soundtrack.

Does "She told me to come but I was already there" count? I remember as an adolescent I sang that line out loud and my parents yelled at me. At the time I couldn't understand why.

What was the line from the documentary, with the cop talking to a news crew? "We began speaking to him in French, due to the fact that he is a Frenchman." Whatever it was it was funny as hell.

That needle-pulling-off-record sound it pretty overused, but I think it's totally appropriate to capture the moment, when, after enjoying so many of the delightfully white-trash hijinx of this family, the family essentially told the country, "Yeah, we probably have a more relaxed attitude toward child molestation than

Saw "Pawn Sacrifice" last night and thought it was pretty good. Of course, I've been fascinated by that story ever since "Bobby Fischer Goes to War," so it could've been performed by a high-school drama club and I'd watch it.

"It has several bad sex scenes."

I think it was when I heard the song on "The Crow" soundtrack, when RATM posited that AIDS was an invention by the American government to kill off the African people so that Americans could use the continent as a vacation spot that I realized, yeah, as awesome as RATM was, it was best not to take them too seriously.

They played my college on the tour for "Congratulations… I'm Sorry."

Yes, this.

Because I'm about 100 pages from finishing "Purity," I decided to break my rule of not reading any reviews of the book, by reading this one. Current company excluded, I knew there was a mighty Franzen backlash brewing, and I didn't want to go into "Purity" with a surfeit of pissiness.

WHAS is basically a series of comedy sketches held together by a tiny skein of a plot. But the jokes are really funny, and repeat viewings are rewarded. I do like too that it captures the youthful exuberance of the era it's portraying.

Cracking a beer and watching random parts of IDIOCRACY.

And half the time they stop giving them numbers, so that audiences forget they're being served leftovers.

Man up!

I think this really does deserve to be called one of the best songs of the '90s.

I think anyone familiar would agree that, in the realm of pop music, Dylan can rightfully be called a genius.

My feelings on the first one are kind of "Mehhh" (like a lot of people). WIth the sole exception of Michael Fassbener's David, which is one of the best characters I've ever seen in a movie. The touch of having him fixated on "Lawrence of Arabia" was just sublime.

Yeah, there really wasn't as much humor in this as people were led to believe.