
Oh shit now I remember someone telling me that… I literally don't think I've thought about that for 23 years.

Yes, I discovered Pretty Hate Machine and Broken at the same time and I remember, at the time, what an aura of enigma and malevolence NIN had. Who was this person? You could almost picture TR writing his music in some dark cave littered with human bones.

I hadn't seen those Santorum tweets.

As I posted elsewhere…

Obama's the President, Francis is the Pope, and now this.

The one time I actually wondered if Stephen King was possibly insane was when I heard that he preferred that miniseries to the Kubrick movie.

Several years ago I attended a wedding there. I drove up, on a Sunday afternoon, and a man with a clipboard approached my vehicle and asked why I was there. Upon telling him I was there for "the wedding," he asked me which one, because there were, like, three, just that afternoon.

Cards on the table:

'Da fuck?

If he really was fixing up Bill Clinton with Elizabeth Hurley, he might not have had time to do it.

Well, since we're just blatantly reminiscing about '95, I'll have to give credit to a buddy in college who wielded sarcasm like a lance (which was really cool at the time, what with the whole zeitgeist 'n' shit).

His getting of Manson really was a startling prosecutorial feat.

If he doesn't want the police to find him, he should just say, "Neeeiiiggghhh" ha, ha!

What city? I too A) live in the Denver Metro area, B) live near a Wendy's, but, actually, my city - Arvada - hasn't allowed dispensaries.

Dammnit! I posted on my local newspaper's website what I thought was a witty, pithy comment on this announcement, and then the AV Club bests me with a comment more witty and more pithy IN THE FUCKING HEADLINE!

Hey, would you give my manuscript, like, just a quick look-see?

Interesting theory, but I guess I'd wonder why an author's brand who is deserving of that treatment would only release a book an average of every 5.6 years.

As a fan of Pynchon (and I'm sure I'm not the first one to conclude this, of course), I think it's pretty obvious that the RECLUSIVE AUTHOR thing is a contrivance, one that he benefitted from for a while (I remember an infant Internet being rife with Pynchon theories) and that he now just plays with (The Simpsons).

Ha, ha.

IAN: Bad news guys. I just got off the phone with the record company. They're not gonna release "Smell the Glove" with its current cover. They say it's sexist."