
The thing I hate about this argument is how much it flies in the face of logic: Most who perpetrate mass shootings don't go into the situation thinking they will escape unharmed. In most cases they're suicidal and/or want to go down in a blaze of glory.

"They let him DIE!!!"

Whether or not it was intended… one of the great horror performances, IMO.

[picks up billiard ball]

Trivia fact I found at least marginally interesting:

Does the opening of "Live and Let Die" count as a parade?

Don't say "Macbeth"!!!

Rollins (perhaps several years back) actually would've been a good choice to play a sadistic high-school gym teacher.

I don't know if it's one of my favorites, but Bruce McCulloch's surreal monologue in the diner struck me. It's a great performance.

Randomly found it on last week. Even after seeing it so many times, the talent show has so many great jokes, and varied, too, e.g., I didn't remember how there's that group that does just an authentically excellent performance of "Day by Day," and the crowd turns against them for it.

[pauses from crushing beer can]

Truth is beauty; beauty truth, Sir!

You were so much older then, you're younger than that now.

It is true to real life, though. It's like, if you've ever worked in even a medium-sized workplace, how long does it take to spot the Martyr?

I think Lenny gets the best, understated jokes of the episode: "He had three beers at lunch. That would make anybody sleepy."

"Homer's Enemy" and its sequel really illustrate the apogee and nadir of the Simpsons. First Marge's question about how someone who was never married could have children… was that a joke? I think not, because it served as the setup for the stupid "he liked hookers" joke.

Anyone who's had more than a few jobs can attest: sometimes you're the Homer Simpson, and sometimes you're the Frank Grimes. Totally depends on the workplace.

I'm a fan of what's come to be known as the Golden era of "The Simpsons" (Seasons 3 to 8), but my love for "Homer's Enemy" is on a completely higher level. I think it's literally one of the most brilliant things I've ever seen on television - the spot-on commentary on American society, the meta deconstruction of the

I hate to be all judgmental (in a puritan sort of way) about a family that ostensibly experienced a tragedy, so excuse me while I do just that…

Does this one have the Satan/Obama?