
Just started listening to "Maladjusted" this week. It's not as bad as I'd heard. I think it even has a couple songs that could've been radio hits, but it seems like it came out when Morrissey's relevance was at its nadir.

Yeah, between the Sunday shows and the press conference, Pence could've sold his flop sweat for money this week.

Well put. At the beginning of the week, the bill's defenders said this bill was just like all the other "religious liberty" bills passed since the '90s, and that it really had nothing to do with gay discrimination, and where on earth would you get such a silly, misguided idea?

I remember watching another bio in which it said that drinking was a big hobby of his. It told the story of how one night a guy at a bar kept picking a fight with Andre. Eventually Andre came after him, the guy thought better of continuing the confrontation and retreated to his car, which Andre promptly pushed onto

Yeah, celebrities really trashed Colo. after Amendment 2, but bands also joined in the boycott (I seem to remember Queensryche, for instance).

The opinion that the food is bad is as damn near closest to a universal consensus as I've ever seen… However, I went there with my in-laws a little over a year ago (after having not been there for five years or so), and I remember thinking that the food seemed to have improved somewhat. Not a lot, but somewhat.

"Thunderstruck" also goes strangely unmentioned, and that was the followup to Devil.

Very personal anecdote, but… I remember I watched "Of Unknown Origin" while I was going through a nasty bout of insomnia 10 years ago. I ended up laying awake after watching it, unable to sleep, and being very traumatized and unnerved by what I'd just seen… if I'd seen it while not having sleeping problems, I'd

Back in the '90s I told a friend that I'd really gotten into Swervedriver, and he also thought I meant the white-supremicist Skrewdriver.

My contribution to memorable cranial trauma: the kid's head cracking open under the steamroller in the uncensored version of "Maximum Overdrive."

I graciously demur your offer, as I already have an iPod. What I really need is one of those phones where I can listen to hundreds of different stations, instead of just the ones on my radio.

No, the Denver market.

Yeah, the Nixonian war-on-the-elites thing is an interesting ingredient in his bullshit stew.

I think the thing about Beck is how he took insincerity to new heights in his medium. There's a lot of evidence that he doesn't believe what he says, but there are so many other things: his books which he doesn't write (or possibly even read), his fake crying, his fake health scares (yes, I call bullshit), etc…

"O'Reilly must be one classy dude."

I drive for a living, so I hate-listen to a lot of talk radio… and I'm tellin' you: one cannot overstate the delusions of a demographic I call the Angry Old White Guys (for whom Bill O'Reilly is their Grand Pubah).

Too true. To the Fox News types (meaning, those who absorb the product and truly believe it's this completely objective correction to all other news media), the liberal-media thing is a mantra. But even with all its faults, I still consider a network newscast such as the one Brian Williams hosted to be light years

The "Kill Zone" comment isn't surprising, because O'Reilly has a history of talking like he thinks he's Tony Soprano or some shit. In the Andrea Mackris lawsuit there were accusations about him saying something to the effect of "Al Franken's going to get a knock on his door and things will change for him forever."

And I always thought he sounded like that screaming voice at the end of the "We Don't Need No Education" song.

Your statement really got me to thinking…