
Geez, Rafael, you're really making me hate you. Michael messed up by shoving Raf while he was holding Mateo, but he regretted it and apologized for it. On the other hand, Raf's schemed and lied and felt zero regret about decieving Jane for 6 months! How can she ever trust him again? Btw, how did Nadine being freed

I knew she wasn't his mother! Way too predictable. My guess is that Annalise was an ADA and drove Wes's mother to suicide like she did with Asher's father.

Yup, that was discussed in the original episode recap. The episode would have made zero sense and wouldn't have been funny if he wasn't a stereotype. It's just like when Jessica goes to lesbian bars and gets hit on - it's funny b/c it's VERY obvious and she still doesn't get it.

Like, 90%? I just don't know what the writers were thinking turning this into a show about two married people raising a kid. I want to see Mindy Lahiri date randos in NYC and be her insane self, not watch Mindy Kaling's fantasy of being a wife and mother.

I just can't stop…but it's SO bad.

Yeah, Danny and Mindy's relationship is pretty messed up. It's almost like dating the guy who told you to lose 15 lbs the first episode and pretty much called you a slut without knowing the full story (during James Franco/ex-wife date rape) isn't the best guy to be with!

I don't know if you can be smart if you don't know what the word "condo" means. Mindy was absolutely smarter the first season. We haven't even seen her with patients since then!

Even if they didn't know Petra was having twins, they should have at least accounted for her one expected child and/or made changes to the will later on. And, what if Rafael has children in the future (via adoption or sperm donor)?

Wasn't he on the Grinder last week?

The minor issue that I had is that all of the gay/bisexual characters on the show (Luisa, rose, now Wesley) are shown to be crazy and/or scheming. I'm sure it's just a coincidence….but still. Disappointing.

Wait, does that mean that Raf is worth 120 million dollars as his wealth will be split between his three children? Maybe I should switch over to team Raf…just kidding.

Oh, yeah, I'm not saying that dick and Blaine are on the same level. I'm just saying that it's the same approach to writing a character , where you somehow make a horrible, horrible character (who happens to be rich, white, daddy issues) sympathetic. Look at the comments here and you have two people being like

Rob Thomas has this way of making the majority of his viewers to feel sorry for the entitled, spoiled, white rich boy. I'll never forget how Dick Casablancas, the guy who taunted his brother into raping Veronica, became a sympathetic character and remained good friends with Logan. It's never worked on me. They're

I'm being stupid, but I didn't really understand Blaine's motivation for killing him. His father seems so selfish and uncaring - would his father's death really have taught him a lesson? I thought that there was something in the grandfather's will or something.

Is this about the Starbucks tweet? I honestly couldn't tell if he was being sarcastic or not.

I think it was in the first season when she met Josh at the club. I think he said that she looked like a black politician's mistress and she was flattered.

Yeah, I agree. I'm just not feeling the season. Having Mindy/Danny settle down by getting engaged/having a kid kind if ruins how the show was supposed to be a rom com. And, Peter left , who was one of the best characters and a bunch of random doctors keep coming in to take his place, who annoy me and don't seem to

Ah, thanks. I do remember that now. I guess it still seems like these were all expenses Danny afforded before Mindy. Now, that they are a 2-income household and Mindy doesn't have any huge expenses (like an apartment or car), it feels like she should easily have 70k in savings. Yet, she made the comment about how she

Aren't they renting out Danny's other apartment, so Danny should be breaking even with that investsment. Do they still own that horrible brownstone - they literally never mentioned it ever again. I don't even know how much Mindy contributes to mortgage/property tax/utilities, because all the properties are under

I always find it ridiculous how Mindy is supposedly unable to afford over-priced preschools and nannies. Danny and Mindy are two Manhattan Ob-gyns, who are probably bringing in a gross income of anywhere from 500k-700k combined. Overpriced preschools and nannies were made for people like them!