
NAA-mAA-stay. UGH. I think it's because they don't realize that our t's are usually pronounced with a "th" sound and our a's are usually pronounced "uh". My brother's name is Amit (pronounced uh-mith) and he just gave up trying to correct people because they couldn't believe the phonetics were so different than the

I'm so disappointed in myself for not remembering that.

Weirdly enough, they do.

It's more like Ruh-vee. I actually think Mindy Kaling's real first name is Vera - I think that Mindy was her middle name and her last name was shortened to be accessible. And, the thing with Hannah Simone is that she is half-English but from everything we've been told, Cecilia is supposed to be Hindu and have both

I'm not watching the show yet, but the title "Indians on TV" caught my eye. I remember being so desperate to see some Indians on TV when I was younger, I would excited for half-Indians (Like Ryan's ex-girlfriend on the OC). Because that was the best you could get back then. You know what pisses me now off though? How

Yeah, I think this is going to come back to that conversations he had with Merlin, about how the dark one has the power to snuff out darkness forever.

Yeah, I agree. I also didn't really buy that Cary would be that openly racist as he worked in the DA's office, where two of the women were black and very good at their jobs.

I agree - Wes being Annalise's biological son is too obvious. I'm thinking that Analise knew Wes's mother and has been looking out for him his whole life, something she promised the mother.

Couldn't it just mean that Michael/Jane marry and live happily ever after and he dies loving her? #shipperbraintalking

I don't know…if you couldn't have drunk make out sessions, no one would kiss. Like ever. Having sex with a drunk Jane would have been an obvious no, but kissing a tipsy (not black out drunk) Jane? I don't see the issue.

For real. It's like, on one hand, we have Michael who put his job at jeopardy to save Mateo and will do anything to see Jane happy and safe, even if it means sacrificing his own happy ending. On the other hand…Rafael's got a sick bod. Who to choose?

Remember when The Good Wife used to be one of the best shows on TV? It was hard to tell with that anti-climatic piece of crap. And, I'm sorry, I'm just tired of this whole "who is Alicia going to partner up with now" game. Find some new material, writers!

I don't know…I kind of believe it. I mean, a hot social worker? Who's the perfect mix of super-hot and funny? I doubt he's gotten dumped a lot in his life.

What about Alba's husband, though? I'm assuming that they've been living in it since he was alive, so maybe it was originally under his name and got transferred to Xo after his death? Haha, I'm sure we're overthinking this! As far as probability of TV characters' financial situations goes, Jane and her family's is

I know that most people buy their houses on a mortgage (you can technically pay for all of it upfront, my parents did) , but most mortgages are about 25-years. Since Jane has been living there since she was born, it's already been >23 years since they've lived in the house. It would make sense that the house had been

Jane shouldn't really have too many expenses apart from her tuition. She lives at home, so that means the biggest expense (rent) is pretty much taken care of. Rafael will be responsible for child support, and I don't think accepting what you legally deserve means you lack pride or self-respect. She could get a

I do agree with you. I never bought that Jane would kiss Rafael 30 seconds after she broke up with her fiance, and it also doesn't ring true that she suddenly has feelings for Michael again, after she showed zero emotion towards him since the breakup. I think that it's probably one of few negatives of a show having

I agree that Rafael and Jane never really developed a strong friendship. I actually think that they were going to during the beginning of the season, but then they (IMO) rushed into a romantic relationship and it just became all about that.

I know that medical school loans can potentially cover living expenses for you, your spouse, and up to 5 children (IIRC), so maybe that's her plan for this upcoming year? It is possible that she might be able to pay for school with scholarships and grants. She could also get another part-time job. She does have a very

Oh, really? Julianna must really hate her then. I do wonder if the true story of whatever happened between Archie and Julianna will ever be leaked. It seems like it has to be something more than just petty jealousy, as Archie only won ONE Emmy award, whereas Julianna has won at least 6 major awards. And, you would