
Would it be? It seemed like only the name partners were involved in that decision. And, considering all the partners did (reluctantly) decide to take a financial loss to pay for Cary's bail, they might have decided to take another loss to save another ex-name partner. If Cary and Diane really wanted her back, they

I find it so hard to believe that Diane and Cary would screw over Alicia for ONE client. Especially since Diane had just said that she was willing to take a financial setback to get Alicia back when they were negotiating the exit package. Also, how do RD's ethics have a problem with Alicia, but not the fact that both

Anyone else thinking the note said "Peter set you up" or some variation of that? After all, Peter was probably going to be investigated, since there was reason to suspect that the voter fraud was connected to his election. Peter IS the one who convinced Alicia to stick with that lawyer who screwed her over.

There's a part of me that doesn't feel like Jane deserves Michael. I mean, how can you fight so hard and go through couples therapy for a guy that you've dated for a few months, but just give up on your fiancé/boyfriend of two years after one fight?

Can someone with a legal background explain this to me? How is Diane able to testify against Bishop - wouldn't lawyer-client privilege prevent her from being able to do that? I (kind of) understand how Cary could have been compelled to testify, since he allegedly committed a crime outside of his lawyerly duties, but I

So, wait, did David know that Lori was the girls' birth mother when he had an affair with her? If he didn't, I don't know why what he did is so unforgivable as Elizabeth had an affair too. If Lori is as unstable and obsessed as she seems, she would have probably went after the girls anyways, so it's not really David's

Wow, comedy really is subjective, huh? I loved last week's episode (which got a C) and I felt like this was one of the weakest episode of the season - the jokes mostly fell flat for me and I didn't really buy that Jessica, who bargains on a $3.50 box of ice-cream, would forgo a check for thousands of dollars.

Am I the only one that can't stand Fawn? She's so ridiculous and over the top, she just seems like an SNL-character to me.

I'm totally #teamMichael. I feel like their flashbacks just OOZE chemistry, from their first-kiss at Jane's 21st to Jane finding Michael's list of saving up money for an engagement ring to their ILY. Maybe it's just me, but Jane seems a lot more real and lively to me in her scenes with Michael. Raf seems like the

Come on, it's 2015! Men can get pedicures! Or else what was all this "equal rights" talk about?

If I remember correctly, Alicia actually said that she hadn't written that though get campaign or her work e-mail. When Alicia had Marissa look thru her work e-mail to find any potentially harmful e-mail, Marissa was able to find it because Alicia toggled it to the wrong account. I don't know what that even means, but

I'm so confused about how they could possibly get away with saying "just a flirtation", when the e-mails literally mentioned phone sex. At the very least, they would have to do a Clinton-like admission of "non-sexual affair". Also, was it weird that no one was worried about Alicia's "relax, it was just a one night

That's what I was thinking too.

I was also really shocked at the incredibly blatant privilege shown by Claire and Mitchell. Especially when Mitchell made a comment about how "his whole family is sharing a bathroom the size of [Jay's] closet". So ridiculous. Nothing like rich people complaining about money!

Was I the only one who found it a little unbelievable that Alicia would be that brazen when telling Bishop no? I mean, Cary was ready to go to jail because he was too afraid of what Bishop might do to him if he betrayed him. I feel like Alicia would/should be scared of the harm Bishop could cause for her, and not just

He's not exactly the sharpest shed.

Wait, is Finn gone? Forever?

He said "I wanted to wait until you got your results. I thought you might have it too, so we could be in it together".

This also seems like a repeat of a season 1 episode, where Mindy had stress-induced vomiting. Have to say, if this episode is an indication of how Mindy's pregnancy is going to affect the show, it's not looking good.

I just think that he has a different type of humor that doesn't really seem to mesh well with the chemistry of the cast. I'm not sure if it's because of his age, looks, or personality but he just…doesn't fit. Also, it seems like Mindy will be leaving the very next episode to work in the fertility clinic, so the office