
I was right! I figured that if heather was meant to be south Asian, the writers would have given her a Sanskrit name.

I think I would buy it if he had good reason to believe that Jane and Mateo were in danger because of him and the only way to protect them was to fake his own death.

I'm guessing they'll come back to that. My guess would be that Jane's next serious relationship will be her first love.

I understand, but even THAT doesn't seem anywhere near as bad as the typical bad place they described.

A couple of theories on Reddit actually did include the part about Michael knowing and planning everything. I think the "just four people" thing was very impractical because it seems like a LOT of work to do for 4 people when 151,600 die every day and most of them are going to the bad place.

It was a pretty common theory on Reddit. I don't think anyone had predicted that it was the bad place JUST for those four people though.

That's an interesting way to look at it. I do think that TGP was a unique situations, as it was a good show, even without the twist. There were instances where you thought "huh", but that suspense of disbelief is required with all sitcoms so you don't really think too much about it. With most shows that require 4

I know! My point was that it makes perfect sense now with the twist, whereas beforehand, it just seemed like sloppy writing.

I totally agree with the first point. I would actually say that, with the exception of tahani, they were all happier in "the bad place" than they ever were in their actual lives. Chidi was able to actually inspire and educate people, Eleanor was able to find friends she trusted, and Jason was able to find love. I

Yeah, no, it makes perfect sense with this reveal. At the time, it was just one of those things that kind of stuck out at me, but I dismissed as sloppy writing. That's why the reveal is so cool; it explains every single critique that was ever brought up.

I don't know if she would have gotten to a medium place though if she had never made any attempts to initially follow through on her own. You need the intention and the results to get to the good place (as we saw that tahani and chidi are lacking in those, respectively).

She was going to follow through with it though, as she went to the bank and withdrew the money before she died.

I did think that it was just sloppy writing, but I was always confused how Jason had managed to switch places with Jian-yu as they didn't have the same exact name or die in the same exact location, since that's the only reason that Eleanor was able to be switched. Just really amazing writing.

That was such a phenomenal first season. I really love the Issa/Molly friendship and how it's the heart of the show. The Lawrence thing sting, but if Issa and Molly hadn't made up, it would have been so much worse.

Yup, my main issue with the luke/Jess and Logan/Christopher parallels is that Rory isn't Lorelai! Lorelai was always too independent and self-sufficient and hated the snobby, entitled attitude of the wealthy. She would never have been happy with Christopher and that lifestyle. Rory, on the other hand, isn't any of

I still think Logan would have been the father. I think ASP was very stuck on making the Luke/Jess and Logan/Christopher parallels and I think Rory was always supposed to have Logan's baby, but eventually end up with Jess.

First of all, ASP absolutely does romanticize life.

I loved him (he was definitely the hottest guy mindy has ever dated), but their chemistry was always lacking. I wish we had gotten to see more of his daughter though.

I'm so bummed about Greg. How can you do this to me THIS week? I literally can't take anymore bad news.

I was a bit confused with how they dealt with the topic, but I'm glad that they did? I've accused mindy kaling before of surrounding herself with mostly white male writers and mostly white male actors. This felt like a meta acknowledgment of that criticism.