
Yeah, I don't think that there's anything wrong with a boyfriend taking care of his girlfriend. Just like there's nothing wrong with a girlfriend taking care of her husband. But that's like, here's a home-cooked meal! Here's a gift certificate for a spa because you deserve a treat! Here's my undivided attention so you

I actually thought it fit in with her personality, of being overconfident and assuming she had won over Marcus and successfully played him. I guess it makes sense, considering she was able to deceive him for so long during their relationship.

I just assumed it was only one time, as the victim never talked about any other police visits and Chelsea didn't have any reports of hospitalizations for her. It's rare for a man who brutally beat his wife in that way once not to do it again to that severity, where she would have to go the hospital.

Realistically, though, if you put money into a business, it's probably only going to break even for the first year or so. And, any business is a risk, no matter how talented or committed you are. So, the safe choice was the child support payments.

I thought so too! John made a comment early in season 1 about how Danny had done a lot for him when they were kids that people didn't know about. I always thought the big reveal would be that John was somehow responsible for the death, but Danny took full responsibility so John wouldn't have to leave in fear and be

I didn't see anything wrong with Marco being confident about not needing Kevin anymore and knowing that the Rayburns were finally going down. The truth is Kevin never takes responsibility for anything and never felt any kind of real guilt or sadness that his brother was killed. Meg, at least, questioned whether it was

Ooh, good observation! I wonder if that was just a writer's mistake or if it will be brought up again.

There might be more to that story. Like he really did believe that she had hurt herself through substance abuse and didn't want to cause the family public shame. He was a newbie back then and it doesn't seem like he's been involved in any other cover-ups. I am wondering if it's possible that the domestic abuse is a

I felt like Meg was manipulating him anyways, by using sex to get him back on her family's side. I don't believe for a second she was truly being vulnerable or needed him. He just played her right back.

He's known that John has been hiding things from him since last season. He's mentioned that a couple of times. He's now caught all three of the siblings in some kind of lie or story that doesn't make sense. If he wasn't suspicious of them of doing something, he would be a REALLY bad cop. And, again, he's still not

Yes!! When HIMYM was good, there was nothing like it. I miss that type of storytelling.

Not Super important, but actually Kat dennings and Chris smith played Reese's half-siblings; bj Novak wasn't related to him, he was just a random rich guy who wanted to buy the network.

Yeah, she totally did. Although I do like the idea of Mindy just keeping all of her old engagement rings to buy stuff on eBay.

In the last season, they actually turn Reese into one of the good guys.

I agree…although it would be cool to see them fall in love again from the beginning, since we missed that the first time.

That's a good point that Anezka is raping Rafael. That's why I don't like this storyline - they're probably never going to use that word to represent what happened because it's too dark for the show.

I hope they do it too. I guess shows don't really do abortions because it doesn't make for good television, but I think when you have Xo coming from a very Catholic family, it will. Imagine all the family drama! Switched at Birth did a pretty good job in representing a couple's struggle in making that decision, so I

Yes, Jane/Rafael's relationship was all about the fantasy of having a perfect family. Jane/Michael's relationship is a lot more messy, but they're actually BFFs. You can see that in every interaction they have, even when they're fighting. It's just on a completely different level, IMO.

In their interview with TVline, they said that she would lose her virginity in the very near future. Yeah, no way in hell is Jane going to go bang a random guy "in the very near future" while her husband is dead or in a coma. Michael lives!

Yeah, it's so weird because the writers gave an interview and were asked why Doug kept Adam alive and they were like "well, Doug is a lot of things but he's not a killer!". Like…what? How do you not even know your own characters?