
These last three episodes have easily been the worst of the series.

The writers are Trump supporters right? there's a wall between a bunch of hungry, desperate mexicans and the sweet innocent white people in the big hotel, but hey they can just let the good one in! Who wants to bet next week one of the mexicans they let in commits a murder?
There have been plenty of shows with

This has been really fascinating; Last Chance U is a satire populated entirely by unwitting characters. Every individual plays their part in pushing forward the rampant and pervasive contradictions within and surrounding this football program.
One of the most interesting juxtapositions featured in the series are the

Ive heard this criticism of the Ryder character, that shes one note, that shes a waste of the actress' talent, but not every project needs to be meticulously crafted towards character development, and in the case of a woman who's child gets abducted or disappears i really dont know what other notes or emotions or

So… this is President Trump's future relationship with the press in miniature huh?

What fans always seem to forget about survivor is that, the players during the game and the jury members do not see everything we are privy to, and whats funny is that often times so called super fans go on the show not realizing this, and getting puzzled about that missing information, peoples real intent, the

great point about her having a chance to flush it, i think tai is too wise to let her stick around for finale, if she doesnt win immunity next week i think hes going to blindside her and we will look back at that moment and think thats when her game ended. i get that it was a split second thing, but if he does play

its awesome that someone his age is playing the game but i just wonder how would be contestants that didnt make it to the end during selection feel about his game, maybe they will get the chance to play in the next few seasons but he has done almost nothing at all, even sitting out half way through this one, hes

6 left, Tai Potentially is a final 4 at worst, he can play the idol next tribal just to do it, be final 5, then go to the next tribal with someone else winning immunity, himself and three other vulnerable survivors, all he has to do is get one person to vote with him, play his extra vote and someone else goes home, 3

oh man this was easily the worst film I've seen in 4-5 years.

except in those scenarios said forces are taking over what amounts to hundreds of thousands if not millions of people, instead, alexandria and ricks crew number like what now, 20? if the are willing to hang people for spectacle, shoot people in the eye with arrows, play psychological games, ect ect, im sure they are

sure, and im not implying anything but she wants to eat her cake as well. she wants to own the right to call herself a slut basically. if she worked clean shed have more credibility in this issue

well shame on those women, they clearly dont get it.
how many leading men in hollywood have more than one of the following demerits: Bald or balding, short, no natural hunkiness, skinny or non athletic bodytype, noticably overweight, bad teeth, bad skin, ect ect. men have to conform to image standards, and there are

i never said you are a woman lol, is there a problem with that?
i agree with you on that point, its precisely what ive been saying, but i dont place the blame for that squarely on mens shoulders, women perpetuate it too.

its also rather obvious that you think my opinion is invalid for being male, which isnt true. feminism has always been about promoting equality and a meritocracy, that a woman who can do as well or better than a man should be accepted and valued as such, so this whole focus on body image among modern feminists is

im not sure you understood the comment i made, i said "what does bother me about this situation is that women are acting as if men are the cause of all of these battles over women's bodytypes". i didnt say that someone like Amy or Melissa do not face casting situations in which they are denied roles for being too big

clearly if they did she wouldnt be there and all female comedians would be skinny girls or girls with huge boobs right? that wasnt my point, it was that women are absolutely responsible for a lot of this stuff, not just men.


well sure, i think shes trying to have it both ways, or have complete control over her image. i work in the high fashion industry as a photographer and i deal with these types of women all the time, there really are very few women more insecure than runway models, im not sure why the average woman wants to look like

this was a really intriguing series, i felt like a somewhat apocalyptic new future after saving JFK was inevitable, but what was interesting was that, right down to the end i wasnt sure if Jake could stop Oswald from shooting Kennedy, i felt like anything could happen, that possibly there was nothing Jake could do to