
I don't really care much about Amy Schumer, i think her material is generally offensive but what bothers me about this whole conversation that's been going on for 5 years or so is that we continue to argue about which women are which size, which category they fit into, whether they are too big or too skinny, and we

The past can't actually push back, any events that get in the way of Jake's mission are always going to occur in the present, as any lived in time is the present, the future and the past are purely conceptual, even this idea of Jake going back to the future, it will never be the future he remembers, and the "past" he

these are definitely two of the worst people ever. Also this show is a poorly executed attempt to fuse two much better shows in Hello Ladies, and Master of None.

yeah and OJ didnt weigh 170 lol

haha wow, I guess this is what happens when you let Millennial Feminists write about shows concerning murder trials that occurred when they were probably 4 years old. You end up with said person focusing entirely on how the prosecutor is unfairly judged on her appearance while arguing a murder case. Poor Marcia, I

This is totally going to end up as a 30 episode arc on NBC based in chicago with a Heterosexual couple and itll be called THE TRUNK lol.

Man, if you watch the first 2-3 episodes and forget to watch the last two, this is a great 2.5 hour film. if you watch the last two, you'll just end up frustrated.

thats not the point, frankly i don't care, i like both characters and im glad they haven't written in a romance only to have the rug pulled out because i always feel those set ups are manipulative, but what im trying to express is how poorly handled this whole thing was, they put Glenns situation in limbo for like 6

Im dont read the graphic novels but isnt that how they were written and theyve just cast based upon what the source material gave them? its not like we should hand them an award.

Man this episode could have used much much more of the Daryl and Rick look for sodas and fight jesus stuff. TWD often does these one off "guys go on a run and have a day" kind of stories, this could have been one, but they felt the need to do a number of boring B and C stories. also, i cant understand why anyone cares

I am a little confused about how so much of this show was centered around Glenn and Maggie, that at least in the case of Glenn he may have been everyones #2 favorite character behind Daryl, and that they chose to do this half season long arc of the "is he? isnt he?" with Glenn, then to reveal that he is alive and

i had such a hard time with this, it seemed like everyone but Gosling, Pitt, Carell and Bale were real people (though i recognize a bunch of them from other roles), and the four of them were aliens or something. they looked so awful.

this was actually really fascinating and interesting when it was not either splicing in some all too obvious time period framing pop culture references through music videos, tv commercials and the like, and that horribly awkward gimmick with margot robbie, selena gomez and anthony bourdain, i get that they were

Rama and Mad Dog teaming up together with the Kanjiklub gang was kinda weird.

I think they made a big mistake in cutting many of his trials and tribulations, including the sequences that occur during the road trip to the MAV. They made the airlock blowing situation seem like duct tape and a walk in the park, when from what i can remember he had to slam his body repeatedly into the walls to roll

They've completely bungled this whole Glenn thing. They kept you on a 2-3 episode "is he, isn't he?" Situation where not only was it completely obvious that he wasn't dead, so much so that when the reveal finally came about, it seemed lazy, but then in the meantime while he was thought to be dead, there was next to

"I'm just going to marinate in this one for a moment"

There is no parking in Harvard yard.

I live next to a tiny senior Filipino lady who is a gardening enthusiast with a crazy trellis system, so this hit way too close to home. Someone remind me to fix that missing picket and fashion some spears out of the bamboo that's been invading our backyard.

Definitely inducted into the "what did I just watch?" Hall of fame. You didn't expect to hear this film and last year at marienbad in the same sentence did you?
I just think it's so funny that the Williams sisters and Soledad obrien agreed to do serous parts in a film in which; cartoon Andy samberg has a very graphic