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    From a game play stand point if they where smart they would vote Zeke ass out next. You don't want this in the background on top of his social game. He just has to allude to this at the final jury or have someone just accidentally say something about the shit he just had to go though. An already very likable cat

    You said nothing. The conditions they create? You mean you want them to acknowledge they have a game show that has people isolated for 30 something days and people start telling each other secrets about their personal lives? That is the damn show already and the show has made it clear over the last 17 years exactly

    During the TC he says "I am certainly not someone that should be a role model for anyone else. But, maybe there is someone that is a Survivor fan and me being out on the show helps him or helps her or helps someone else and this leads to a greater good". Seems like Zeke had no problems with CBS running this with a

    Yeah i am not sure what was running though his head because this is just the kind of secret that people understand keeping. There is no dishonestly behind this secret. So even if it didn't backfire it was never going to work in the way Varner thought the other people be like ok thats his secret so what.

    What did you want CBS to do? You are coming damn close to saying CBS made Varner out Zeke.

    I think it was more Varner thought they would go " Oh Zeke did not tell us every secret about his personal life so somehow he is dishonest in the game".

    If we go Survivor Sabermetrics Tai already has by far more lifetime positive EV from idol play then both of them combined.

    But they have no way of knowing that is an option unless she tells them. Everyone is going to assume idol and probably even more if she does give them the team option.

    -Why were they surprised that Tai told Varner he was safe because Sandra was the target when that is what they told him?
    -This was the only way for Sandra to be voted out because of a tribe that she was just on the wrong side of the numbers on.
    -Not fair that Debbie is still in the game. She is a bad person but LOL

    Well she was a 10 year vet Gymnastics, special agent, was it chemist?, Red Lobster employee. Please people remind me of more.

    I demand Debbie Red Lobster stories.

    He played it so wrong tonight. He should have fell on his sword while throwing Malcolm under the bus. Why should he allow Malcolm to be the tribe martyr and be accused of taking the 40 pieces of silver when he could have mentioned that Malcolm was ready to vote against someone on the tribe not named JT.

    How does JT not play the idol? They showed just enough in tribal were it was clear that Sandra was not 100 with him. It was brought up that he might have had a role in Malcolm going home after that tribal and during this tribal. The only reason he should ever not play the idol in this situation is if someone did

    Would not be surprised at all if they talked about how entertaining those two fighting is so she decided to step up the entertainment factor.

    They really should have thrown the challenge at that point to get rid of Debbie. She is too much of a loose cannon and can't be trusted after her delusions of what actually happened. The only thing she got correct in her rants was she did the balance beam. Other than that she got wrong that it was Brads telling her

    In Theory it was at least understandable that he thought there was a girls alliance. The problem in reality that theme of the season was Heroes v Villains and a player asked back right after his season was placed on the Villains tribe and they had even numbers.

    It was exposed in HvH when his "social" game made him the ultimate goat. He was such a goat that it rubbed off Parv and gave her no chance at the Heroes votes.

    JT told Brad the tribe was voting for Sierra. Sounds bad for JT but that entire tribe told Hali they were voting for Sierra. When Sierra asked if it was her and Hali responded with “I’m trying to change everything" this was even more confirmation.

    Seems like a very low probability event. There is no reason for Varner to feel like he is next. If they get rid of JT tonight and then go back to tribal again it will close enough to merge time that Malcolm is back on the table as a threat. And they still would need to find a solid 4th to make this move. What is

    That is his problem he keeps trying to make moves. He listened to Stephen who worships at the alter of BIGMOVES instead of just being himself which people like.