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    It looks like he tried to vote out Sarah along with Aubry and Cirie. Troy and Sarah voted Tai and Brad Aubry.

    Because I disagree with you i am being obtuse? No i understand perfectly your argument I just dont agree with it and I know its wrong. In fact I think your argument is stupid in this context because your argument is No one can every to another player they will vote them out. Or at least vote them out in a manor

    Because if that was bullying than the word has no meaning. When most relationships people have fall into this definition again it has no meaning. Bullying implies someone did something wrong and Brad did nothing wrong. That is the entire point of using the word bully is to imply a victim and perpetrator. He was

    How was it condescending and who the fuck cares if it was? Tai has a history now going on two seasons of stabbing his alliance in the back. He did this specifically to Brad a number of times this season. Lets not act like Brad just went up to Tai and shook him down it was Tai that wanted protection and to be in the

    That literally defines what every person that is in a majority alliance in this games history has done when they want another vote. Hell that definition covers all teacher relationships with students, all parent relationships with their minor children, all employer relationships with employees. That definition is so

    4 out of 5 can be immune during the modern era so its really not that huge of a deal at 6. Cirie went home because Tai sucks at the game and wasted his idol on Aubry for 0 gain.

    Brad was aggressive with Tai but he was not bullying. Tai said he felt uncomfortable but never said he felt physically threatened and Brad in no way made a physically threatening move towards Tai. And at that point of the game with Tai how the hell could you not be aggressive with Tai nothing else works he goes all

    Sierra for some reason thinks Sarah did not vote against her. Why I don't get when Troy and Brad have voted with her every other time so when its 3 votes and you know you are one of those 3 why would you not just automatically assume its the two cats that voted with you every time?

    This. The jury has always voted for the person they liked and/or respected best from season 1 until now. Well I guess some times its really could be who they hated the least.

    Its still the most solid and largest alliance out there.

    There is an actual self interested reason that Sierra is offering that deal because she believes she can beat both of them. Is Sarah really that worried that Sierra will run away with it? Its clear as day why no one wants to sit next to Brad because he is awesome and everyone loves him. I mean sure as shit don't

    Debbie is more reliable than the Zeke/Andrea situation. The Debbie, Sierra and Sarah final 3 is more likely at that point than any other final 3 for Sarah. She was in a great spot right now and she was in an awesome spot to make a move a little bit later when it would be much more impactful for her game. So instead

    As much as I hate Debbie and happy she is gone that was just a stupid stupid stupid play by Sarah. How the hell does this help her going forward? She has a final 3 offer in a fairly stable alliance plus now she has an advantage for when it does go to final 6 or even 7 or 8 for her to use. The other side is anything

    You want Coulter and Milo to go away just ignore them. They need the attention to be relevant. Her getting to say she was banned in Berkeley just sold her a half million books and extended her shelf life and got her invited on talking head shows.

    You forgot the Coast Guard Auxiliary where she went door to door selling magazines as a fund raiser.

    She has got the Phillip problem where they can very good strategically but will never get the credit because they are goofballs and have bad social games. I don't mind here because I don't like Debbie but it sucked for me being the 1 Phillip fan on the internet. Ok not so much fan but I think he is vastly underrated

    The show does not seem to be able to show his social game but everyone on all of the seasons talks about how likable he is in the confessionals including this season. He would have won South Pacific if he made it to the FTC. His problem really is if he makes it to the end in a 3 person FTC he is no worse than a 40

    That is why you have to give Football Coach type answers. Jeff ask who is going home and I dont care if its a Varner or Lil Hantz situation the answer is always "Well Jeff, there is X of us here tonight and anyone of us X people can go home just hoping my alliance and relationships are strong enough to keep me in the

    I am with you on the longer you go the more value it should have. The only problem with that is if you are in the even/positive number alliance you don't know if you will need to use it at the 11 or 9 etc votes. I am not sure if this does make a difference but again not enough data from the show to even start to

    Juries don't care about big moves. Debbie's problem will always be she is not likeable enough.