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    I doubt Sandra was ever the target. Why would she be? How does her going home benefit Team Brad? Malcolm was always the target unless something happened to suggest that he had an idol. Getting rid of Malcolm makes to much sense for everyone on Team Brad.

    I hope they do get Daunte to come on the show now really confuse everyone.

    I honestly think the format got him the first time. Having Candace air all her grievances during the duels made it easy for everyone to go with the blame Brad for everything and boxed him in with his game play.

    A correction. Brad Culpepper was a former NFL DT not a QB. If you are thinking of a QB with the name Culpepper that is Daunte Culpepper. To make it a bit more confusing Brad does have a son who is a Power 5 QB at Syracuse named Rex.

    In HvV they were forced to vote for a two time winner it was just a choice who it was going to be. Russell all but DQ'd himself with that jury.

    I felt like he thought he won Samoa but always felt he knew he got 0 in HvV going into the live show.

    I 100 percent agree. The right move in this spot (mixed tribe vote) is always to go after the other tribes strongest player until you have damn good reason not to. It will always be worth the risk if you get idoled you get idoled but you made the right play.

    No. Russel dragged her to the end despite Parv telling Russel that was a
    stupid idea. Russel thought he would walk all over her in a FTC when
    Sandra knew how everyone was voting all along and that she had the
    numbers. Parv basically knew this too. Russel probably did not even have
    known she won.

    I don't really think it mattered what JT did there. It looked like the plan was always to play the idol for Sierra and always to vote for Malcolm. Both of course flexible in case something slipped during Tribal. I fairly sure that they mentioned playing the idol on Sierra before going. Of course it helped knowing

    We don't know if there was more said so it really could be JT was throwing a hail mary pass because his only hope making it to the merge is a major riff and outside of Sandra gone I dont know how you are going to create it. JT just did not have any moves. He was always going home tonight (if it was two tribals) or

    Bad transition on my part should have made it clearer that he screwed both his seasons. Yeah his Philippines game was cost by his arrogance when the game was all but offered up to him by the old dude.

    JT was in a no win situation short of Sandra going home. I mean sure his tribe should have figured out before the vote that their was an idol in play by the way the Culpeppers were acting but he is not wrong to make sure a strong ally of his is getting good info so if he can make the merge the trust is still there.

    Why does he deserve better? He cost himself the Philippines. He screwed over his own game by leaving the majority alliance to be with corrine, Eddie and the other dude. He screwed up idol plays and got outsmarted by a guy that gave his II away.

    That was awesome with Malcolm getting out smarted yet again and this time in big part by Tai. How could they not figure out something was up when you had a smaller tribe with one person on the outs acting so confident and as an equal force? And how did this come as a surprise to Malcolm? In this tribal format the

    But the choice was between Caleb and Hali not Caleb and Debbie or Tai. Hali seems better in the swimming type challenges then anyone not Ozzy. Sure Caleb has the strength but the challengers are more then just that.

    Redemption Island killed his game the last time with everyone giving their side of the story to the other tribe where they where the hero and Brad was blamed for their loved one going home. With his skill set there really was nothing else he could have done especially when he was also trying to protect his wife.

    The only person bitter on that jury was going to vote for Aubry. Just because you don't like who won does not mean the jury was bitter.

    Because its funny that Ivy League Golden boy got outplayed by a cat that is infamous for giving away his II

    Because that story is easy. Its everyone going as much of a threat as Sandra is and how weak she is in challenges its still not even close to how exhausting Tony is because he never turns it off. They want to be able to go take a crap without him jumping out and accusing them of kidnapping the Limburger baby.

    Tony should have been the first vote exactly because he is unpredictable. I mean 2 minutes of hitting the beach he is running around talking idols. He has the spy ditch which everyone thought was an idol search. He has shown that he will stab his alliance in the back from his first season. He is up all night