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    You'll have to ask him. Or at least someone with some knowledge of his sex life. I haven't had the pleasure.

    Many certainly have found it to be so. Some have had marriages that never rose above the level of thoroughgoing sham; others may have had true love or even romantic feelings for their wives but never found sex to be more than a chore. Still others actually have had fulfilling sexual relationships with their wives but

    Certainly not! Even marrying women and having boatloads of kids with them is something gay guys have had plenty of experience with over the years!

    Kevin Smith really seemed to take quite a bit of delight in describing his fans' horrified objections to the revelation in Dogma that Jay thinks about dudes while masturbating (more than anyone else on Earth, no less!). That joke had barely even registered with me enough to remember it by the time I read the interview

    Eh, probably best not to. Prison is such an abnormal social situation that the correspondence between "men who have sex with men" and "gay (or bi) men" really does start to break down quite severely. Including characters in such situations would really have kind of swamped the whole list with a more ill-defined

    That sounds like a just plain awesome article! Can't really imagine how that might be genuinely offensive.

    Labels are silly, above all. But it should be pointed out that Ronnie Kray was neither in activity nor in self-identification gay. Bi all the way, baby! (I have no doubt you feel quite honored at the news, so, you're welcome.)

    I liked all three, but instead of opening with that equivocal assessment of Clooney's post-ER career, Mr. Hassenger should have laid out more starkly Soderbergh's accomplishment with this trilogy: He built a genuine Hollywood blockbuster franchise out of three actors who, at the time, were not even remotely “movie

    Is there something particularly moronic about Matisyahu? Bit flighty, to say the least, but nothing special from my recollections.

    That's too bad. I kind of liked the idea of a Canadian ruling without compunction over a court in which Canadians were arbitrarily banned by fiat.

    Oddly underappreciated fact: It is not, nor has it ever been, The Village People either. …Also, there is no act called "Hall and Oates," nor any official or authorized use of that phrase until and other than the 1997 registration of the hallandoates.com URL address. All music, recordings, and tours have simply been

    Well, the article says that the title doesn't grant him any special powers. But I have it on authority that they were prevailed upon to throw in invisibility and Laser Vision.

    I feel so honored!

    Ah, never noticed that. To the extent that I thought of a specific place in L.A. County, Venice was always where I dreamed of living as an East Coast kid (probably hardly a surprise to you; where would a teenager dream of living? Malibu?)

    I like Grease too. (What's that? Fuck Michelle Pfeiffer and that blond British kid? No, that's not what I said at all! Learn to spell, Millennials!) Not even its biggest fans would call it a masterpiece, but it is a fuckload of fun. The numbers are catchy and memorable and can get you singing along decades after you

    Are you sure that the right to release older cuts was included among the rights transferred from George Lucas to Disney through the sale of Lucasfilm? I have no idea myself, but it would be totally normal for a "creator-owner" to retain some discretion of that sort for himself qua creator in such a transaction; and

    My friends who went to Exeter—hardly a bastion of left-of-center sentiment, especially then—say that the dorms were festooned with Swett signs and T-shirts; and my less moneyed New Hampshirite friends confirm that if teens had the vote Dick Swett would have won in a landslide. Since we all seem to be a bit more

    Thanks, Obama!

    Is anyone else here old enough to remember the career of prominent young New Hampshire Mormon politician Richard Nelson Lantos-Swett—who, of all the monikers he could have chosen to present himself to the voting public, decided to go with Dick Swett? (Actually took an opponent to court over his right to use that name

    (Larry Flynt begins furiously scribbling notes)