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    Like many Americans, my education in black history is limited, including of the precise details of Tubman's specific accomplishments, but I do remember enough of what I learned in my school days to be constantly inspired by her resilience even now. As I recall, she would get knocked down, but she'd get up again. And

    Tubman to disrespectful redneck sheriff: "They call me Mrs. Tubs."

    There would be a lot of cool shots of Tubman's washboard abs, though, as she battled the simpering, effeminate Confederates with precious little help from the impotent old Union politicians.

    Baseless rumors. The role will go to Tilda Swinton. (She will not be playing the particular embodiment of Harriet Tubman that viewers will be most familiar with.)

    No, it was part of his late-career, and increasingly desperate, heel turn, when he called out Dwayne Johnson.

    Meh, you cheated. Several of those names are actually "The [+plural]," which of course are a dime a dozen and date back to the nineteenth century. Good list though. Fun fact: Cake is named after the verb, not the noun.

    The Trill are not really transgender, or even intersex for that matter; those human terms are not quite appropriate for the psychophysiology of their species. What they are, I suppose, is a bit "genderqueer," which is true only because that is simply a human umbrella term for gender status that is statistically

    You could cut the tension with a vibroblade.

    This is actually a good point. Contra many early objections about imposing sexual issues upon the children and so forth, you of course don't have to go very far along the road of sex to gain some LGBT exposure; casual couplings are in evidence in even the tamest of material.

    That is just about the saddest, and truest, statement about country music as it currently stands. The question before us: Is "Daddy Lessons" country? The evidence for: She mentions whiskey and firearms in the song. The evidence against: She did not work with "Nashville Songwriters," and did not record it in the state

    One of my favorite videos, too, looking-at-Beyonce-wise. Loved that Young Tina Turner look she was rocking.

    Agreed. He sounds like he puts the F in Fun!

    These things seem to really take on a life of their own in the hands of classic rock DJs, and where that river of whims might take them is anyone's guess. I clearly remember when "Thank You Falettinme Be Mice Elf Agin" was not even in the top five Sly Stone hits you thought of off the top of your head. Then all of a

    I'm pretty close to neutral on Schumer. Funny, not hilarious and not really much of a trailblazer. More interesting to me, at a time when the public seems ever less and less willing or able to separate art from artist, are the interesting, uncharming neuroses that social media is allowing her (as with so many others)

    We can only hope that, like an old urban structure that has somehow managed to avoid the wrecking ball, we now cherish it as a bit of living history. There is only one website in existence that's got it beat:

    80, and ever since the movie dropped I've been less interested in being baffled over the love it's gotten (just assumed that it was pitched for a less discerning age bracket than me) than by the fact that Barkley, Bradley, Ewing, Johnson, and Bogues agreed to the parts they did. Remember, the central premise of the

    Learning that Justin Long was 100% white was one of the most mindblowing celebrity informational experiences I have had (if a bit of a disappointment, as a minority actor myself). We all know plenty of white folks with Asian-ambiguous looks, and plenty with Asian-ambiguous names, but what are the odds someone ends up

    Ah, I see. Mods, you may want to rethink this policy. It's a pretty blunt instrument for the problem it's targeting; NuDisqus annoyingly doesn't allow edits to bring autoflags into compliance without bothering you people; and your system of general autopermissiveness plus manual flags is enough to quickly deal with

    Can anyone imagine why on Earth I got "Hold on, this is waiting to be approved by A.V. Club"bed for my Skins comment? I'm dying to know here.

    Of course only some gay guys. That is an acceptable reading of the syntax, and it's the one that's implied by the conversational context. The issue at hand was whether a man could be involved with a woman or women and still be gay; those gay men who are not involved with women were simply outside the perimeters of our