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    A final, right? I agree; even during freshman year, when a lot of the other guys still did need a bit of "breaking in" (we were just kids, after all, and few of us had any experience) I never had to ease into things slowly, never wanted to waste time fooling around with midterms and papers beforehand. Just wanted to

    Please, let's show Alito restraint here for once.

    You laugh, but Michele Bachmann ran an entire Presidential campaign based around opposition to this very practice.

    The Cook County D.A. really blew an opportunity there when he decided not to bring the R. Kelly trial before Judge Judy.

    You betrayed the law!

    Plus, the best—the only, really, in my opinion—place to get good sheets. Not very cranapple-juice resistant, though, I'm afraid.

    Please, don't remind me. I grew up in a predominantly Omnipotent Destructive Being neighborhood, and I had to hear that shit going back and forth all the time all through middle school: "Yo mama so primeval, she gotta gum her way through the space-time continuum. Ohhhhh, son!" It got fucking tiring.

    You get the feeling Charlie Murphy might have gotten around to that story if there had been time for a proper season three: R. Kelly meets, attempts to pee on a pixieish if heavily made up petite teenage cutie who turns out to be Prince.

    Awww…well at least let 'em throw in a "Why is Sartre?" every once in a while!

    About 20 years ago I saw an episode (anyone else remember it?) where a contestant was so unsure of her Daily Double answer that she responded, shrugging, "Is it ____?" It was correct, as it happened, and "in the form of a question," so she got credit!

    For me, just a couple back strips of Love Is… and I'm usually good to go.

    One relevant aspect of said visuals: as seen above, the whimsical decision to dress Damon's character up as BB8. Easily the most comedic thing about this movie.

    The Informant. And he gained some realistically functional-looking "rugby weight" (nice muscle-fat mixture) for Invictus. (Plus I consider his abs to have been slightly subpar in Good Will Hunting. I am very demanding of my man-crushes.)

    "Take your stinkin' paws off me, you damn dirty, inbred, ugly White people!"

    To bring everything together: Frank Costanza was right, and his snooty old-money future in-laws and self-hating son were wrong. "Cornish game hens" are not game birds and have never been hunted by anyone in human history; they are, in fact, simply little chickens. (He was not, of course, right about the "hens,

    It's their New York values.

    GEDs are great! (Finished high school myself, but in retrospect shouldn't have.) They've gotten that reputation because they're (1) easy and (2) popular with "nontraditional" students, but they are of course a great choice for kids who are underchallenged by high school due to whatever mixture of kid smartness and

    I don't think the claim was that they didn't have phases; it was that none of the phases were particularly good. For non-fans, the Offspring are a great example of how being young, raw, full of energy, still true to themselves, etc. is not necessarily a particularly good thing for all artists. For my money, “You're

    Brooklyn is called "the City of Churches" and deserves that nickname; they're all over the place, often with rich histories, and of every conceivable denomination (including phenomena like the schismatic "Polish National Catholics," and Italian-American Episcopalians—La Guardia was one, as well as a Yiddish-speaking

    Yeah, but notice they did not ask you to name the states. They gave you the states, and asked you to name the plurality religion. And, while I admit I'm a lot more interested in religion than most, pretty much all of my friends who know that “Lutherans” are not a nickname for rabid Idris Elba fans would free-associate