HBO CEO of Tits

Doesn't hurt that she gets the best villain either.

With a wife and children already.

It would just as likely only pissed off the Martells, who Rhaegar got anulled and The Red Viper was trying to avenge. Would have probably just increased their enemies.

Yeah, it was hanging a lampshade.


I wasn't feeling the scene either, because he talked about how great kinslaying is and alluded to Jamie and Cersei fucking in open court and everyone is just fine with it.

Not just Targ invasion, Stannis's invasion, with a fleet. The one that had Cersei ready to kill herself and her children. It makes no plot sense at all for them to mention it would be good for Dany, and then do nothing about it. AND EURONS FLEET JUST CAME TO KINGS LANDING. If you hadn't checked that giant floor map

She was giving me big Bull Nakano vibes with that hair.

There's a literal baby in it for like 5 seconds, but alas, it does not drive.

Where they maim and kill beloved characters all the time until they run out of books and stop doing that? Probably not, considering how willing this show is to go off book from the jump.

I mean, it wasn't discarded intestine. That guy wasn't like "huh, won't be needin' this any more." It was more like displaced intestine.

I wouldn't rank them, but Stan Lee is one of the most unique, lovable people to ever grace this earth. I loved him talking before cartoons as a kid and its nice to see him pop up in these movies. I'm a pretty casual fan of these things though, and have never once thought "whats the stan cameo gonna be?" before

I also don't understand why Tony's Theme by the Pixies was never in an Iron Man movie or trailer.

DC is a shitshow because they are bombarded simultaneously with contradicting impulses from the top down, all the problems are from the executive level. They want to be different from Marvel, so they go for the grimdark route after stuff like Green Lantern face planted, and Nolan movies did so well for them. But they

Much more loony tunes type stuff than rick and morty typically does.

I hate 3d in general, so i went for 2d the ffirst time, but I went back to the theater a second time to see what the hell Dr. Strange would like like with the glasses on.

In America, we just call this show Gods.

I'm gonna disagree with you there because I watched that movie a year ago and liked it a lot but have no memory of the devil in it.

I also thoroughly enjoyed the movie, but it seems to help that I didn't read the comics. I remember I refused to see the Raimi spiderman movie for years cause he had biological web shooters, which is a dumb reason only a child would care about.

Objectively, the most romantic movie I've ever seen is the 1990 Gerard Depardieu Cyrano de Bergerac movie.